It’s Mo Time!

Event Date

May 20, 2019

It's Mo time!  Always something happening at the Mo!  That's what 6 brave men found out today…


Stretch right hand to left foot, left hand to right foot, Cherry pickers , Windmills, Toy Soldiers, High Knees, Butt Kicks, SSH's

The Thang:

HIIT workout- 45 secs of each of the following exercises, as many reps as possible (AMRAP) with 20 secs of rest between exercises.  Just as stated above…always something happening at the Mo this am!

  1.  Merkins
  2.  Burpees
  3.  Squats
  4.  High Knees
  5.  Decline Merkins
  6.  Lunges
  7.  Plank
  8.  Mountain Climbers
  9.  Calf Raises
  10.  Sprints
  11.  LBC's
  12.  CDD's 
  13.  Apollo Onyo's
  14.  Incline Merkins 
  15.  6 inches
  16.  Mason Twists
  17.  WWII's
  18.  Jack Knife
  19.  Merkins
  20.  Burpees
  21.  Squats
  22.  High Knees 
  23.  Decline Merkins
  24.  Lunges
  25.  Plank
  26.  Mountain Climbers
  27.  Calf Raises
  28.  Sprints
  29.  LBC's
  30.  CDD's 
  31.  Apollo Onyo's
  32.  Incline Merkins 
  33.  6 inches
  34.  Mason Twists
  35.  WWII's


  • Welcome Liam again, Double's son.  2nd workout.  We tabled his F3 name until next workout.  A couple of names considered.
  • No mary today, all-inclusive in the workout.
  • Not much running today, just plain old fashioned work…as much as you can do.
  • Q stressed working on form today also.  Thankfully, noone from women's running came by during the latter portion of workout…
  • Barking Spiders out this am, and I think someone also stepped on a duck.
  • "The toothless one spoke this amz"
  • Slow Roll opened this season's MIL towing service yesterday, pulling six guys, a tube, in a skiff.
  • Surf and Turf is going to give Emmy a 13.1 mile tour of uptown Charlotte in November.  Dude's a stud. 
  • Prayers for Brady McKay
  • As always, it was an honor men!