It’s My Island!

I tried again this week to bring in a Q that doesnt typically show up on Thursday at Dragonslayer but was not to be had, so i simply showed up with speaker in hand and took the duties.  Then realized with taking the Q in Savannah, GA yesterday and heading to Indianapolis on Saturday, that will allow me to say I Q'd in 3 states in one week.  Kind of cool right!

In attendance, not on website:

Spark Nut – From Concord i think

Old Testament and Miracle Grow are Overbudgets kids and they crushed it today!



Carrot pullers

Slow squat

Now we go:

Partner up:

Draw out about a 200 yard lap around the parking lot.  You run one way and the partner runs the other the entire time.  When you meet, you both do 10 Burpees and then keep running, next time you meet you both do 15 quarter turn jump squats.  

Repeat that till you do each exercise 3 times


we stack with increasing distance run:

20  KB Swings

run a short lap

20 KB Swings

10 lawn mowers each arm

Run longer lap

20 KB Swings

10 Lawn mowers each arm

15 Low flutter witih press In cadence

run longer lap (now they are getting long!)

20 KB Swings

10 lawn mower each arm

15 low flutter with press IC

10 broad jump burpees

run even longer lap

20 KB Swings

10 lawn mower each arm

15 low flutter with press IC

10 broad jump burpees

10 slow curls In cadence

Run a much longer lap now


we line up back of parking lot and do similar STACK as above but in lower amounts with sprints to each island with increasing distances

5 KB Swings

4 lawn mowers each arm

Low flutters – 

LONG sprint 

Then i heard Overbudget say, "It's 6:15".  I honestly didnt' know, but i was glad they were right.

Recover Recover


  • Enjoyed the opportunity to lead today (since no one else stepped up!).  I am guilty of getting in a routine and not helping with taking the Q at other locations, so i will do my best to help out some of the master Q's that have the weekly challenge of finding Qs.
  • Spark Nut is a beast and hope to see him at the Slayer again soon, good push on the sprints and exercises
  • Overbudget's kids rocked it as well and i think made him run even faster, and he's already fast
  • I think overall a good workout and love the work effort by all the PAX

Till next time,
