Its not Christmas so no toys for NightRanger

It was a brisk 45 degrees at DPK, when 9 PAX showed for a nighttime beat down with the running version of YHC.  Running version?  Yes. Minimal legs except important functions for running.  Wear gloves. Jaws sensed blood in the water and went for a leisurely 9 mile run. Here is their story:

Warm O’Rama

  1. 20X SSH IC
  2. 10X ‘mericans IC – low and slow
  3. Mobility moment
  4. Mosey to the blocks, get a cindy and a fragment block (no not a Fraggle Rock, thats completely different)

The Main Thang

Each of the FIVE rounds of exercises started with the same basic stuff:

  1. 10X  Squats IC – YHC has ankle mobility issues and used the brick fragment for better range of motion
  2. 20X Single ‘Mericans OYO
  3. 10X Ankle raises from brick fragment IC

Each Round was supplemented with various exercises such as:

  1. Cindy Full Curl
  2. Cindy Lawn Mower
  3. Cindy bent over row
  4. Cindy Chest press with hip bridge
  5. Cindy Skull Crusher with hip bridge (a true fan favorite)
  6. Reverse crunch
  7. Ankle taps side-cindy top -other side and back

After round 3 we did a shoulder mobility moment stolen from ‘Stretch Armstrong’ that morning which was sparsely attended

After Round 5 we did a PAX choice of – Run all 5 five decks and come down stairs or farmer’s carry up one flight and back.

We may have done an additional round of stuff because YHC doesn’t really like counting very much

Nekked Man Moleskin

  • As previously mention, YHC was fried from driving to Raleigh -Wilson-Home plus work
  • Crocs, Camelback, Pitstop, Something all ran the standard
  • Pitstop, Something, Camelback all held Al Gore rather than squatting
  • Camelback refuses to help DJ Moore by getting him traded to a team with a QB
  • Crocs could use a friend at Stretch
  • Doubles found out that if we renamed he would be ‘Assless Chaps’ so he chose to stick to doubles
  • Christmas Part is 12/2 at 11 Lakes
  • Huntersville Half will come looking for Volunteers