Its not MacBeth

Hey… I thought Mac Beth had the Q!!

14 men thinking they were in store for a Mac Beth beat down received an audible, hopefully I did not disappoint on this fine Monday morning.

I pull up and Sauce says…let’s move out of the rain.  Soooo we began under the shelter.



20 CP’s IC

Arm Circles (forward and backwards)

Forward Claps 40 IC

The Thang:

Partner up..size does not matter!

Round 1:

Partner one does kettle exercise, while P2 does a lap. Flip-Flop (Bagboy says…Sauce looks like your getting wet..and said it with a smile..)

100 Kettle Squats

200 Chest Press

300 Low Flutter w/Bell

15 Burpee’s

Round 2:

100 lawn Mowers Pulls Right arm

100 Lawn Mower Pulls Left Arm

200 Skull Crushers

20 Ground Zeros

Round 3:

100 up-right Rows

100 bent over rows

200 Curls

Plank it out to Mary


20 Dying CR IC

20 Jane Fonda’s each leg IC


It was my honor to start our week off right, and great to see some guys that I have not seen in a while.  So grateful for the F3 brotherhood, and the impact it has had on all of us!

Omega-I appreciate the opportunity to lead this fine group of men!
