It’s NOT the Kamikaze!

As YHC searched @F3LKN last night for preblasts in my area, YHC noted a clever PB from the MQ of Fallout, Mona Lisa, asking if anyone might like to Q.  Didn't see any takers, so YHC took.  Given this was likely around 8:30PM, YHC was concerned numbers might be low.  And while not a single one of my Torance F3 commune neighbors attended, 9 other pax did, and we were all better for it.  So with 10 in total in attendance, here's kinda how it went…


Mosey a 1/4 parking lot to the block cage.  Mess with gate for 79 seconds, eventually Force our way in (see what YHC did there?), mosey with blocks Zampirini style across the parking lot to the top of the hill of the middle soccer field.  Blocks down in a neat row, then mosey.  Around the track to the other side, stop at the sidewalk adjacent to bottom field.

Warm-o-rama:  SSHs, ISTs, Dwight Shrutes x 3, Dwight Shrutes Tennessee Style x7

Line up on the sidewalk, facing the lower field (and middle and upper fields in the distance).

Mosey across the field.  10 merkins, mosey back and blank til pax have all arrived back safely.

Mosey across the field.  10 merkins, up the hill, 20 single count full curls with cinder blocks conveniently left here earlier. Back down the hill, across the field, plank til pax all arrive.

Mosey across the field, 10 merkins, up for the 20 curls, across that field to the next hill, 10 merkins, then back, the 20 curls, down hill for 10 merkins, across the bottom field to the sidewalk start.  1st pax back to start an ab/core exercise until all pax return safely.

Mosey across lower field, 10 merkins, up to the blocks, 20 curls, then WAIT – WHAT?  Bring the block with you to the next field, skull crushers along the way.  Get there, blocks down, 10 merkins, up the hill, 20 squats, down hill, 10 merkins, mosey across the field, 20 squats, down hill, 10 merkins, across field to sidewalk and again = ab/core exercise til all pax arrive safely.

Mosey across field, 10 merkins, up hill, 20 squats, across field, 20 curls, up hill, 20 squats, down hill to the blocks and.  WAIT – WHAT? Pax choice:  5 burpees OYO or 30 skull crushers.  Whichever you choose.  Then grab your blocks, make your way to the parking lot while doing skull crushers (sucked for Tantrum and Jingle Bells, who must really hate burpees to have avoided the 5, and who might really hate skull crushers now).

As the pax slow moseyed across the parking lot, we skull crushed, zampirini'ed, and 90 degree block carried.

Back at the block cage, the pax returned the blocks while YHC whipped out my big, long, thick, black rope for MWAR (Mary With A Rope).  Semi-circle up around the rope.  Pax takes turns on rope while rest of pax does Mary, called by the next in line for the rope.


The non-Kamikaze Moleskine:

Pax kept begging me to "call it what it is" but it wasn't.  This was NOT the Kamikaze.  Painfully close, though.  And certainly YHC got confused while attempting to type it all up above.  Throw your darts if you must.

IKEA would claim during Mary (of all places) that he has "soccer arms".  Oddly, those didn't help him on the soccer fields for the 35 minutes before Mary.  

Good to see Freedom back at a bootcamp and partially heeled from his wrist injury (do NOT ask him how that happened #overuse).  YHC was surprised none of the pax ever attempted to steal his half block though.

Tantrum was begging for some running before the disclaimer began.  YHC thinks this is because he chose to fartsack yesterday instead of showing up to Jaws' Q of Titan ON HIS BIRTHDAY the day before.  Shameful.

Welcome back Kotters, Jingle Bells.  Good to see 66 as well.  You may both post often and YHC just doesn't enough…

Looking forward to seeing Mona Lisa again soon.

Prayers for everyone in the Nashville area with the tornados this morning. Prayers for the families and friends of those lost and injured, and prayers for our communities to come together as one to heal and rebuild.

