22 men rose early for the first showing of the day at Hollywood. 
Run around parking lot, high knees & buttkickers.
15 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Merkins IC
15 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
The Thang:
Mosey around theatre to other parking lot and partner up.
Doracides, courtesy of F3Nation.com, were the premiere this morning.
100 merkins, 200 LBC's, 300 squats
Round 1:
Partner 1 starts with Merkins.  Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and does 1 burpee and runs back to start.  Run to 2nd Island, 2 burpees and run back to start, run to 3rd Island, 3 burpees and back to start. 
Flip flop and repeato until 100 merkins are reached.
Round 2:  
Partner 1 starts with LBCs.  Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and does 1 burpee and runs back to start.  Run to 2nd Island, 2 burpees and run back to start, run to 3rd Island, 3 burpees and back to start
Flip flop and repeato until 200 LBCs are reached.
Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats. Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and does 1 burpee and runs back to start.  Run to 2nd Island, 2 burpees and run back to start,  run to 3rd Island, 3 burpees and back to start. Flip flop and repeato until 300 squats are reached.
Head to the wall for the People's Chair & Air Presses x 20 IC.
Mosey to the rock pile for some upper body work.
Full curls x 10 IC
Skull crushers x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Full curls x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC
Diamond Merkins x 10 IC
Full curls x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Chest Presses x 15 IC
Mosey to parking lot for Mary
Breakdancer x 10 Deep Dish
Monkey Humpers x 10 Titan
The W x 10 Moby Dick
Box Cutters x 10 Tiramisu
Shoulder Touch Merkins x 10 Deep Dish
Lots of mumblechatter, led by our very own Titan, during the warmup.  Things calmed down once the Doracides kicked in.
Stapler picked what looked to be the largest rock out there.  That was until we moved 3 to the left and he found himself faced with a boulder… lucky guy.  Strong work!
Good mix of regulars and some folks we haven't seen in awhile – Jenny, Zuul, Soprano, Landline, and Moby Dick.  Welcome to both Skipper and Hacker as well!
Thanks to Soprano for picking up next week's Q.  I know the AO is in good hands.  I'm sure the PAX are in for a treat…
It's both a blessing and honor to be able to Q for this great group of men.
Deep Dish