11 men appeared at Muscle Beach to get swoll!
SSH's, TS, WM's, Michael Phelps, Arm Circles
The Thang:
5 sets of the following exercises, 20 reps each with dumbbells:
- Sumo Squat then Dumbbells to Shoulder Squat = 1rep
- Bench Press, leave arms extended, Sit Up = 1 rep
- Alt Skull Crushers with Bent Leg Toe Taps on six
- Clean Press
- Boat Press
- Bridge Fly
- Q brought some new stuff with multiple exercises within an exercise, more bang for the buck.
- Q was a little too ambitious with his planned workout, only got through about 3 rounds.
- Airplanes were roaring today! Couldn't even hear Grip or G-Nip or G-Rip groan.
- Slow Roll and Grip have seem to have made up. After Slow shows up late and goes directly where Grip was at and took a position beside Grip.
- Alabama White Sauce is good on Chick Filet #1 combo and also blueberry muffins
- Congratulations BOF!!! 43 years of Marriage!! What an example!! Man shows up showered, shaved, new haircut, no hat, ready to go!!
- 43 Merkins were done at the end of the workout to honor this amazing accomplishment of 43 yrs of marriage.
- It was an honor men!