It’s Taco Tuesday…not Burrito Tuesday

TPR's Flo (yes there are two of them Blackbeaard) and Gotti also in attendance.

Talking with Don Ho on Sat. we made a quick decision to do Taco Tuesday at Carrburritos again since it drew a big crowd that last time. We are now patting ourselves on the back and have decided to hold Taco Tuesday about once a month at there since it seems to work for so many guys.

Sadly, taco orders were few and far between today! It's TACO Tuesday people, not Burrito Tuesday. Apparently when you roll into TPR you ignore the rules just like the majority of the Pax in F3 Davidson when it comes to the rules of F3 Lake Norman. Oh well, when in Rome…

I ordered the tacos as did Don Ho, Holiday, Mini Me, and Easy. They're a good taco, not the best I've had, but, for the price, less the $7.00, they're pretty tasty. I learned after our last visit, skip the chips and definitely skip the guac as that pushes the price way up and dimimishes the return!

Great crowd today with a few new faces and a strong showing from TPR…possibly the most ever for a 2nd F event not hosted by us!

Flo, the Isotope Lake Norman Flo not the TPR Flo, has the Q for the next Taco Tuesday.

Saving the best for last, only because it happened as the crowd was dispersing, Swamp Thing stopped by after his dentist appointment to say hello in classic Swamp fashion. Always a pleasure seeing the big man.

Until next time..

