It’s the freakin’ weekend baby, I’m about to have me some fun

After missing the last two Saturday's at The Estate, I had to offer a Q as mea culpa.  With lots of chatter about double-downs and triple-downs… I also wanted to provide something with some you v. you flexibility.  Easy to modify.  In other words, a step short of murder.  And hearing Turnpike totally botched some trivia last week, I thought… I can do trivia the right way!  So this was my creative way to address all of those thoughts;


  • Run a lap around the track, mixing in high-knees, butt-kickers, long-striders, quadraphelia.
  • SSH x 15
  • IST x 15
  • Dwight Schrute x 15
  • Jaberwalkeez x 15
  • Peter Parker x 15
  • Parker Peter x 15
  • Bataan Death March (Indian run, first man quadraphelia to slow pace, while final pax does three burpees).

The Main Event:

Go grab some blocks.  I’ll ask a trivia question, we run a lap while pax discuss, then answer the question.  Right answer triggers an easier option of exercises, wrong answers lead to the murder option.

Q1: Why is Juneteenth Friday the 19th and what does it celebrate?

A: June 19th, 1865 the Union Army entered Galveston, TX, the largest city in the most distant Confederate State.  They announced the end of the Civil War, Texas’s return to the United States, and thus the immediate implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation.  This represents the final legal action to end slavery in the United States.

  • Right: Windmill x 10, squats x 20
  • Wrong: 8-count body builder x 15, burpee x 15
  • Outcome: pax guessed “Emancipation Proclamation” which I gave them partial credit for, we did the body-builders and squats as a compromise.

Q2: On this day in 1966, the Supreme Court ruled that person's statements to police questioning cannot be used as evidence again them, unless the person was informed of their right to an attorney.  Who was the plaintiff in that case?

A: Ernesto Miranda – where we get the term “Miranda Rights”.  Miranda was later re-tried without using his confession as evidence, and still found guilty of rape and kidnapping.  Later in life he sold cards with Miranda rights printed on them and autographed.  He died in a bar fight while on parole.

  • Right: Makhtar N'Diaye x 15, plank-jack x 15
  • Wrong: bent-over row x 15, high curl x 15, skull-crusher x 15, chest press x 15
  • Outcome: pax got this correct.

Q3: Today is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s birthday.  Is he the 35th, 45th, 55th, 65th, or 75th Governor of our state?

A: 75th.  Prior to 1835 the Governor wasn’t elected; it was a one-year appointment by the General Assembly.  Then from 1835 to 1971 the Governor became a four-year elected term, but with a one-term limit.

  • Right: dips x 15, reg merk x 15, squats x 15
  • Wrong: dips x 25, decline merk x 25, step-up x 25
  • Outcome: pax got this wrong, they were debating among 35-45-55 and I just said “let me stop you right there”.

Q4: On this day in 1927, NYC threw the 23rd ticker-tape parade in the city’s history, in celebration of Charles Lindbergh.  What did he do?

A: First non-stop trans-Atlantic flight.

  • Right: CDD x 20, shoulder-tap plank, scorp DD x 20
  • Wrong: “the Snake Eyes special” diamond-Merk x 25, bulldog Merk x 25, shoulder-touch-Merk x 25
  • Outcome: pax got this correct.

Q5: On this day in 1967, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice was nominated.  Name?

A: Thurgood Marshall

  • Right: mid-workout mobility moment
  • Wrong: Burpee x 25 OYO
  • Outcome: pax got this correct.

Q6: On this day in 1989, the movie License to Kill was released.  Who played 007 James Bond?

A: Timothy Dalton

  • Right: partner 1: bear crawl around bathroom building, partner 2: people’s chair with air-press.  Repeato!
  • Wrong: partner 1: bear crawl around bathroom building, partner 2: people’s chair with block-press.  Repeato, and repeato!
  • Outcome: pax got this correct.

Q7: One year ago today was the final game of the NBA finals.  Who won?

A: Toronto Raptors.

  • Right: easy Mary, I'll make stuff up as we go based on time
  • Wrong: Burpee x 25 OYO then some harder Mary
  • Outcome: pax got this correct.

DOUBLE OR NOTHING: we’re low on time, take the easy Mary, or take your chances on question 8.

Q8: On this day in 1983, the Pioneer 10 was the first space probe to do what?

A: First man-made object to leave the solar system.

  • Right: immediate recover-recover (7:55)
  • Wrong: Zamperini-quadraphelia lap with cinder blocks (also taking us 2-3 minutes past 8:00).
  • Outcome: FAILURE.  There was a small mutiny at this point among the triple-downers.  I can’t blame them.  The rest of us finished as prescribed.


  1. Where the hell are The Estate backbasts for the last month?  Rooter what kind of ship you running here?
  2. Turnpike did NOT stay for the triple.  I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  3. Beernado is coming a Night Ranger workout, probably in early August.  Get ready.  It will be exactly what you’re thinking it will be, but stupider.
  4. Don’t mess with Crocs on NBA trivia.  Fastest and most confident answer of the day on #7.  Pretty sure he didn’t stop dropping knowledge until ¾ through the lap, and with nobody running nearby.
  5. And where’s the trust for Pit Stop?  He had #8 dead on the money and let himself get talked out of it.
  6. Thank you for the chance to lead, Estate is one of my regular workouts and it always feels like the right way to start my weekend.