I’ve been Intimidated

0530 Roundup at Panera. Zamperini to Tony’s for Warm-O-Rama.20 SSH, 10 IST, 10 Windmills, 10 Veggie Pickets, 10 MericansThe ThangUsing bells for the following:10 Skull Crushers10 Curls10 OH Presses10 Upright Rows10 KB Swings10 Goblet Squats10 Lawnmower Pulls Each Arm10 Flutter Presses10 LBC10 Outhouse CurlsRun around islands & up to tables for 10 Dips & 10 Step Ups Each Leg. End Round 1. Repeato 2 more rounds.Zamperini back to Paneta for…Mary10 Freddie Merc’s, 10 The W, 4-10 sec. Side Planks L&RRecover, recoverMy first Intimidator workout and I enjoyed the intimacy and small mumblechatter.Thanks for the opportunity Cupcake & Frosty