Jabberwocky in the Park

Event Date

Feb 16, 2019


(FNG-1 is OBD)

5 appeared from the gloom to laugh in the face of rain showers.  All knew they'd get soaked.  YHC happily helped with that…muahahaha.
Yes it was rainy, but it was in the 50's, and that's not too shabby.  Anvil wearing a gortex jacket.  Then OBD joins the fray wearing…not kidding…a balaclava full head protection with a 2nd layer on top, plus a down poofy jacket.  While I'm fine with the questionable style, I figured he'd be super hot and start shedding layers within 5 minutes.  Would he?

Warm Up:
 20x (or 50x) SSH  #showtoknow
 15x mountain climbers
 10x Imperial Squat Walkers
 10x merkins
 20x dippy birds (10/side)
 and…let's get this over with…
 20 WWI situps

Mosey to the back to grab a 33# block.  Back to the AO.
*** Anvil ditches the jacket somewhere around here

Block Abs Fun
 10x 'Merican Hammers w/ blocks
 10x Legs Up Block LBC's
 10x Block Merkins
 4 rounds of 15 seconds of Superman + 5 seconds of rest
 *** insert favorite Greatest American Hero singing/story here
 Lunge block twist walk up and mosey back
 10 block squat thrusters
 20 kneeling diag block chops (10/side)

*** OBD still looking like Ralphie from Christmas Story

Blocks Down.  
Mosey up grumpy old man hill for some different stuff.
About 60 seconds each thing.
 hip hinge to high plank walk out
 forearm plank
 side plank thread the needle (30s each side)
 bear crawl to the yellow sign, mosey back, repeat-o
 *** MetroDog pulls out a bear crawl marathon, with a smile, as usual.  
 *** OBD still poofy
Mosey back to AO, pick up blocks, mosey up the big hill

Repeat-o the Block Abs Fun
*** except it was on soaking wet grass/mud
#stillmuddy  #allsides  #paxFav

*** some discussion from the nether regions about fluff, a mound, and 9"…I didn't hear the whole thing, but I'm pretty sure I'm glad I missed it.
*** OBD still looking like a smiling snowman

Mosey back to the AO
Lunge twist walk up the parking lot
*** not sure how Jabberwocky came up when we were lunging…I was thinking it was a Hunger Games reference(ed: maybe JabberJay?).  I think Strudel mentioned it was a Terry Gilliam movie(ed: he was right…"set in medieval times, a dim-witted cooper….").  During the run home, I remembered it was the dragon thing at the end of Alice in Wonderland.  It was a random discussion from an oxygen-deprived brain that distracted from the pain…perfectly describing mumble-chatter.
Blocks back
Max pull ups
Final pull up and hold………
*** Anvil really kicking butt here with his strict pull ups regiment
*** OBD still !!!
Return to the AO

Given the pretty much 55 minutes of Mary already spent, YHC pulled out a classic
LBH Burpee ladder
up the hill, 5 burpees
down+up LBH, 4
down+up LBH, 3
gather up at AO

*** OBD STILL wearing all layers…thought for sure that would crack him.  YHC gives up.  That's all she wrote.

Reflection:  Matthew 5:13
"You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall its saltiness be restored?  It is no longer good for anything?"
– very next verse is that we are the light of the world / city on a hill verses, so this is Jesus giving instruction on how we are to be in the world; flavorful, reflecting His love to those around us
– if we are to influence those around us, we need to be salty…and not in the grumpy "get off of my lawn" kind of way
– salt is used to add flavor and to preserve; if it isn't flavorful and doesn't presereve, what good is it.
– apparently, when salt is mined, the edges of the vein aren't all pure salt.  Other minerals (not salty, not flavorful) are naturally mixed in, so it was common historically for salt to sometimes not be as salty or flavorful
– if you are to spread the good news of Jesus, will you have more luck influening others if you are joyful and flavorful and loving or if you are just walking through life like a SadClown Squidward?
– don't be a grumpy Christian; let the joy of your faith flavor those around you and preserve the joy and love that God has planted in each of us.

– flavored throughout the bb starting with ***
– Next Sat:  Polar Bear at Bailey Road Park, 2-hr F3LKN convergence, Wide World of Sports theme, leaving Denver at 6, back at 10 or 10:30.  Contact Cheetah 704-340-4707 if interested.  Anvil, Zippy, Sonar, and I currently in the mix.  We are in charge of a 15-minute section.  If you haven't been to a non-Denver convergence, you should consider going.  NOT a lake swim or anything like that.
– Next Sat:  DenverNC convergence at Mustang
– Next Sat:  No SVU

As always, a real treat to lead you guys.  Good fun.  Great brotherhood.
Have a great week