Jail Break

A baker’s dozen braved the pending Snowpocalypse media hyped weather on its way.  In fact, it was a beautiful morning.  We were welcomed by a full moon and a balmy 39F.  I had forgotten my jambox, so I went old school by blasting Van Halen “Right Now!” out my car with the doors open.

This morning Code Blue had to work, but his sons (14 yrs. WBs) Stars & Stripes came out for early morning run.  They had a strong showing by keeping up with the fleet-footed and speedy likes of Kumquat and Turncoats. T-Claps are due to these fine young men.

I had a rendition of the Michigan in mind. I am thankful that I did not choose that Beatdown as Black Eyed Pea delivered it at the Estate following Excelsior this morning.

I wanted to do something slightly different, but wanted make sure I incorporated the tradition Jim Kidd road run.  Since the Ruck /Convergence event was on at NMP, I wanted to keep with brotherly theme. I had the Pax partner-up by speed.

Here is how it all went down.

Warmorama: Circle-up and Declaimer

  • SSH 15x IC
  • IST 15x IC
  • Cotton picker (w/clap) 15x IC
  • Toy Solider 15x IC


The Thang:

  1. Mosey to the bottom soccer field and partner-up with someone with similar running speed
    • Run 75% across the field, bear crawl up the hill, and perform a 1 exercise IC
    • Field 1 – Mericans 15x IC
    • Field 2 – CDD 15x IC
    • Field 3- Grandma 25 OYO (but I forgot to tell the Pax that one holding his partners feet down was supposed to plank.  I should have thought that one through, but I switched out squats on the drive over this morning)
  2. On to the main event, the Jim Kidd run
    • Pax was to stay with their partner and run to the rock.  The teams that got there first would loop back to the six to finish the return run together.
    • Meet at Bradley parking lot for finale


  • The Warmorama extension put pressure on the Clydesdales run fast in order to return back by 6.45am. I knew the Speedsters in the group would feel tethered, so I wanted to let them run.  We would have two distances.  Speedsters with 4.4 miles and Clydes with 3.7 miles.
  • The plan was that we were going to run to rock, skip any exercise there, and have the Speedsters loop back for the six.  Well, that sorta worked.  Kumquat, Turnpike, Major Tom, and Stars & Stripes followed through.
  • Sweet C and 66 started strong and midway went AWOL. They decided today that the rock was secure and there was not need to tag it.
  • Our group pace ranged from a sub 8 to 10.5 minute mile. At one point on the way out to the rock, Jingle Bells and I were ~ 1/4 mile behind the Speedsters.
  • We were late getting back to the Bradley parking lot. We had 4 minutes to return to our launch, so I knew we needed take a short cut.  We lined-up by the back corner of the school for a Jail Break run. It was an all out sprint home with no calls fouling along the way.
  • Sweet C took the 25-yard early start, and then it was on!  A battle ensued, placing in the top 5 were Kumquat, Turncoat, Major Tom, Stars & Stripes. Speedsters win again!
  • No time left for Mary, but I don’t think anyone missed her today.
  • In COT, we learned that of several of brothers had unexpected job changes this week and are looking for new work. We prayed for God’s guidance and the ability to cope with the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with these changes. May God give them strength, so they may be a rock for their families. The Pax is here to support and help find new work. This is one of the great gifts of F3, that we are the “sticky” friends.
  • Thank you Turnpike for the opportunity to lead today. I know you are the under the weather, and I hope you recover soon.