It was a chilly, and somewhat windy morning but 7 men met to pay respect, and make their bodies and minds stronger.
2 Met for the Standard, YHC and FunkyTown. Word is Ultraman put in 3 miles before too.
The Thang:
1 Mile
100 Pullups
200 Mercans
300 Squats
1 Mile
Each of the PAX took rotations to lead exercises as we broke it up.
The Moleskine:
- Great job to everyone who came out. Good group and you guys finished strong.
- Enjoyed the Standard, FunkyTown, nice 2nd F even though we were running right into the wind.
- Good to see 9 Lives out in the gloom, keep up the hard work. You've got a big group pulling for you.
- Strong work from Toxic and Ultraman, great examples set by both of you.
- Way to push, Chewie, enjoy the journey brother. Keep up the intensity and keep pushing yourself.
- Qbert, good to meet you and hope to see you around more. With what we saw, you'll fit in well with the group. Looking forward to a future Q from you.
- Future Q openings at Vanquisher, 1 left in Feb, and March is open. See you guys in the gloom.