January Surprise

Addtl PAX: Skynet FKA Radar, Plus one more – sound off in comments if I left you out.


19 Pax came out to The Wilderness in the rain & mist, probably expecting to run.  The only running was to the rock pile to grab a rock and head to the tennis courts for…

?The Thang: (single counts – all with rock but burpees & ab work)

10 x Burpees

??10 x skullcrushers, 9 x burpees

?15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 8 x burpees

?20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 7 x burpees

25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 6 x burpees

30 x calf raises, 25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 5 x burpees

35sec wallsit w/ rock, 30 x calf raises, 25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 4 x burpees

40 x squats, 35sec wallsit w/ rock, 30 x calf raises, 25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 3 x burpees

45 x low flutter, 40 x squats, 35sec wallsit w/ rock, 30 x calf raises, 25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 15 x mericans, 10 x skullcrushers, 2 x burpees

50 x LBC, 45 x low flutter, 40 x squats, 35sec wallsit w/ rock, 30 x calf raises, 25 x shoulder press, 20 x curls, 1 x burpee (skipped last set of mericans & skull crushers due to smoked Q time)


?1) This was harder than I had expected – counting the 4-count made it worse.

2) No easy way to do a 4-count to an odd number – not without getting made fun of anyway.

3) Kotters Jorel!  Good to have you back out!  

4)  Welcome back Skynet, FKA Radar.  Hopefully the second naming sticks this time.  

5)  Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning – my first bootcamp Q in way too long!

Until next time,