JAVA Inauguration Edition

14 pax emerged from the gloom to find their usual parking spaces taped off, they managed to find parking spaces although some travelled the wrong way on one way streets.

The Thang:

3.6 miles total at a slight sub-9 minute pace for those (me) bringing up the rear, 6 total pain stations with the following exercises all in cadence:

Goat Picker X 10

Windmills X 10

Calf Stretches

Mericans X 10  

LBCs X 20

Low Flutters X 20

CDD X 10

Low Dolly's X 20

Touch 'Dem Heels X 20

Mericans X 10

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Dying Cockroach X 15


Naked Man Moleskin:

What we learned this morning:

Macbeth ran in FLA where it was at least 60 degrees each morning and he enjoys that temperature more

Moby Dick has ventured into all sorts of whiskey trails recently, especially Irish, but last night was a "Jim Beam Special Batch" that "has quite a bite"

No one watched the inauguration, or at least admitted it

All are looking forward to more unity and less division

Futures market looks promising

Frogger made it to upstate NY in his Tesla with only additional 1 hour driving time for re-charges

Scourging at the Pillar stained glass window F3 paid for at St. Mark looks awesome

Riverboat caught his error in flight scheduling to Ireland before it was too late to change which still cost him a pretty penny and at least 2 hall passes from his wife (plus a tongue lashing)

Maintaining a buzz for an entire trip without going over the edge to certain hangover is a slippery slope

Lone Star was on time. I repeat – Lone Star was on time (don't choke on that)


Honor and privilege as always to lead this group of men today!

Bang, Bang!
