Java Java Java

17 Men ventured into the gloom to earn their caffeine known as Java.  

As usual we started at 5:31 but caught offguard as Lonestar actually showed up on time! 

Mosey to side of theater for some Warmarama. 

Side straddle hops x15, Imperial storm troopers x15, cotton pickers x 15, slow windmill x15

First segment run greenway behind theater, take right at fork and stop at entrance to Caesar's hood.

First pain station: 10 merkins, 15 squats 

Interruption by weird group of F3 runners and endure weak insults by Dallas…..

Second segment run to Robbins Park.

Second pain station:  Wide merkin x10, 20 LBCs

Third segment run to Elevation

Third pain station:  Wall sits led by hippie, arm raises x20, 20 Freddie Murcuries

Fourth segment run to the Faux Fountain

Fourth pain station:  shoulder touch merkins x10; 20 LBCs

Fith segment:  Run/Sprint to home base!  


Frogger can recognize Fenway's hacking from a half mile away

Several of us want to be like Hippie when we grow up…..

Thanks for Moby Dick for lining up some Q's for Java for the next month  :o)

Good crowd today and can tell some guys are getting in some miles for P200 training!  

Thanks Axel for taking us out in prayer! The dramatic pause at the end got us!! 
