Java: Omar has never seen the Terminator Movies, and other things discussed.

13 PAX for Java today, in order spoken at COT:  Thug, Tagless, Mooch, Axel, Riverboat, Outlaw, Fenway, Curd, Moby Dick, Frogger, Crab Legs, Omar, and YHC.

At least 7 others ran in our vicinity for what looks like 8.0 to 9.0 miles:  Mac & Cheese, Garcia, Optimus and Heely (listed as FNGs above…get on the website dudes!), Little Finger, Daisy, and Honey Bee.  Sound off below if there were others and I will add them.

Java went down roughly as follows:

0501:  Disclaimer given.  Run across 73 and to the corner of the road towards the Arnie's Army AO.  The PAX running further continued straight at this point.


  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC, followed by 2 jump squats OYO) x 5
  • Plank for ~1 minute because YHC wasn't sure everyone knew each other, so we stated our F3 Names and favorite movie in the "Terminator" series.  Because these are important details to know.

Run to the "A frame" at Arnie's army.  Stop for:

  • Slow deep squats x 20 IC
  • Get over the A frame
  • Plank Jacks x 15 IC back in the parking lot

Run back to the AO.  Since we needed slightly more mileage to get to 3 miles, we ran to the movie theater and did:

  • Slow deep squats x 20 IC
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • Man Maker Mericans x 10 IC

Somewhere along the way we did other stuff including:

  • Makhtar Ndiay
  • Jaba Walkies (sp?)
  • Other stuff maybe, I can't remember

Mosey the long way around back to the cars for COT.  Hold Elbow plank for ~1 minute.

Recover, recover.  We covered 3.07 miles according to Garmin, which Strava rounds down to 3.0.  Close enough!


  1. Prayers up for Mac & Cheese and Crack, and their families.
  2. The route had several icy spots.  Cobains.
  3. Appreciate Axel, our WD, for saving YHC from what was sure to be a mud bath.  Getting up the A Frame is one thing…coming back down is another.  YHC would've surely failed because I am scrawny and weak the bars were slippery.  Thanks buddy!
  4. Tried to audible to a few different exercises from yesterday knowing Riverboat was there both days.  Strong work x 2 Riverboat.
  5. Reminded Outlaw that YHC has the Q at PAINinsula next week.  Asked if I can "put my own spin on the Horseshoe?" to which he said "as long as there is no Burpees".  Noted!  But…Outlaw also said he might not be there next week so…
  6. Fenway joins Axel, Riverboat, and Outlaw as a "Respect" now!  First time I can remember listing him as Q since he turned 50.  Strong as ever my dude.
  7. We list everyone who ran today to keep them off the website #Kotters list.  In particular my BroFam Curd was listed as a Kotter so glad to see him come out.  Fam!
  8. Most of the PAX's favorite movie in the "Terminator" series is the 1st movie.  Some, like YHC, mentioned the 2nd.  Frogger mentioned Terminator Genisys (Part 5).  These are all very acceptable answers!  Frogger chose Part 5 because it makes for a cool drinking game if you drink every time "John Connor" is spoken.  Careful though, it may take days to sober up.  Thanks Frogger for leading the way today, also.
  9. One PAX, however, gave a very wrong answer to the question.  Omar has never seen any of the Terminator movies.  Wrong answer!  YHC should've sent Omar home or to the corner at that point, but we let it slide.  But please Sir, catch up on the series.
  10. Crab Legs went for the "Birkdale Finish" Strava segment and came in nicely at 9th overall all time.  Well done.
  11. Overheard:  "Mooch gonna Mooch".  Or maybe I said that when Mooch crossed back over 73 first despite my humble ask to regroup before crossing.  *shrug*
  12. Thug's strategy for avoiding BRR all these years was to simply state he wasn't a runner.  Having run your first BRR this year, that strategy shall no longer work bud.
  13. Speaking of BRR, Tagless, Omar, and Frogger were kind enough to extend an invite to YHC to their "MOCA" team which I humbly accepted.  One has to be 40 to qualify.  Thanks gents for taking a chance on me.
  14. Thank you Moby Dick for the opportunity to lead.  See above ^, it proved a very good thing for YHC.
  15. Please check out Little Finger for his VQ tomorrow at The Cauldron.  Respectfully request "fly by" from any runners at Odyssey.  Or, Fenway might humbly suggest 8-13 miles of loops in the school parking lot.

It was fun gents, appreciate all of you.
