Java Style Leap Frog

Event Date

Apr 28, 2016


Java style running with pain stations.

9 joined for a new twist on one of the standard routes from Mady's  to Westmoreland bridge and back. (+ an additional twist by actually doing a back blast!)


– Mosey to the circle by evolution church

-side stradle hops, IST, toy soldiers, various stretches to loosen up tight things

The Thang

-Run .5 to Robin's park for dips and walking lunges

-Run .5 to front of Westmoreland park and broke up into two groups:

-Group 1 – run to next telephone pole while group 2 does man-maker merkins. On G1 arrival -Group 2 then runs to telephone pole 2 (ala the leap) while group 1 does man-makers

And so forth with a rotation of man-makers, 1/4 circle squat jumps, and 6 inches until we get to westmoreland bridge. Lots of nicely spaced telephone poles on westmoreland (hat tip to RamRod for the squat jump idea from last night's Night Ranger)

Reverso  with alt T-Planks, mary-kate and ashley (jump lunges)/or freddy mercury for moderation alt, and LBCs. to westmoreland park.

Run to robins park; plank it out –   Run back to Mady's for COT.

Total 3 miles and lots of sweat. Plus mumble chatter and midwife noises.

Thanks DT for taking us out-  

Amebo and team kick some tail on the Mud Run this weekend!

Full Moon – Good to see your getting back after injured reserve and travel.

Earl Grey – I hope the hammy heals up and the new coffee machine rocks!