Java while it’s Wet!

It was a pretty wet morning to kick off.  By our standard 5:01 launch it was clear the planned Q had fartsacked (smartsacked?). When I asked about having someone stand in for the Q, all the responses where put back in my direction.. so why not Q?

The Thang

mosey to the parking lot by Dick's – give disclaimer because I haven't seen M-16 in a while! 🙂

 – SSH 20

– IST 20

Stretch some things to the left, right, lunge, arms up, cotton pickers,

Start the run thing

route to the greenway via the kill hill… decide that the initial route on the greenway would be soggy (okay mumblechatter.. i'm listening)  we head up Cambria after a short distance; right on pennington, left on some road in Robbins park; stopping for our first pain station. (and give a break after a straight up cambria hill)

– Plank while we wait for 6

– merkins x 10  then some exercise I don't recall.

start the run – high knees for 50 yards, butt kickers for 50 yards, then pick up the pace..

Run up to Robbins park for our second stop  –

-the dip – 20

-incline merkin 10 (or 15?)

– 10 step ups each leg.

Run through kenton place to the old Lowe's store

– People's chair while we wait on the 6s  (somehow AxelSE lost us with all the turns.. (it's basically straight.. and I called the location at Robbins park… so anyway).. still in people's chair when they found us.  Air press OYO until about half the pax tired out.

– Run back to the bux via Catawba sidewalk…

suxbux lot Mary

.. through all the standards, LBC, Jay lo, pretezel crunch, merkins, you got the drift

Blackbeard took us out –

Great group of gents this morning solid 5k at a sub-9ish pace (I forgot to restart my watch during an PS) ; it was a humid mess, but the rain held off so I thought that was a good sign.  Temps were almost perfect for running, a little cooler would have been good.  The glasses were fogged even with picking up the pace…  Coffeteria is always great and we found out 2 guys had actually though they were there for 'Recover', which I guess is now shifted to bikes… FreePass showed up at coffee on one anyway. (nice bike FP!)

Honored to serve –