Jeckyll & Hyde In Davidson

14 Men (including 1 FNG & LD, Heister &Tootsberry) showed up for a Jeckyll & Hyde workout.  With Halloween just 1 week away, I decided we could make this festive and have a bit of a Jeckyll & Hyde inspired workout.  You know, where things aren't always what they seem?  Like, if you think I always wear a plain white t-shirt, well, we'd see.  And if you might be thinking this is going to be more of a running workout, well, we'd see.  And you if you might be used to our familiar exercises, well, the first exercise was…. 


Jeckyll & Hyde Invisible Line SSH 15xIC, IST 15x IC, Windmill x10 IC, leg stretches.  


Run around library parking lot & back to patio on Green – Find some wall. 

  • Single Leg Squat x10IC Right Leg, x10 IC Left Leg
  • Box Jumps x10 Straight Count
  • Jeckyll & Hyde Alternating Step Down – 10x IC Right Leg, 10x IC Left leg

Run around CVS and the entire Green & back to patio on Green – Find some wall.

  • Decline Merkins x10IC,
  • Incline Merkins x10IC,
  • Dips x10IC,
  • Jeckyll & Hyde Peter Parker x10IC (legs up on the wall, hands on the ground)

Run up Concord (are we heading to the track?) to RIGHT on College (nope!) to RIGHT on Lormier & back to patio on Green – Find some wall.

  • Jeckyll & Hyde Over the Edge Crunches (Sitting on wall) x10IC
  • (on Ground) W x10IC
  • J-Low x10IC

Run to DUMC & grab 2 bricks:

  • Arm Raise Merkins x10IC
  • Kick Outs x10IC
  • Carolina Dry Docks x10IC
  • Kick Your Bricks x10IC
  • Squat w/ Arm Raise x10IC

Mosey to Church Wall:

  • People’s Chair x45
  • B2TW x45

Mosey back to Bricks & REPEATO

  • Arm Raise Merkins x5IC
  • Kick Outs x5IC
  • Carolina Dry Docks x5IC
  • Kick Your Bricks x5IC
  • Squat w/ Arm Raise x5IC
  • WWII Sit-Ups w/ Bricks x15IC
  • Lying Press w/ Low Flutter x15IC

Mosey to Church Wall

  • People’s Chair x60
  • B2TW x30

Put ‘em up & head back to Green for Mary:

  • LBC x20IC
  • Heals to Heaven x15IC
  • Mason Twist x10IC
  • Freddy Mercury x15IC
  • Low Flutter x20IC
  • J-Low x10IC
  • SSH x12IC

Recover. Recover.


Everyone did an awesome job this morning and there was minimal opinion sharing about the Jeckyll & Hyde style variation to a few of the exercises.  It’s always a pleasure to lead the Davidson PAX and I am humbled to be a part of such a great group.  I truly appreciate the encouragement and motivation each man’s presence & efforts provides!