Jeeps and Tanks Roll on Mustang

Event Date

Jul 31, 2020

Great turn out today.  With so many PAX, we had too few bellz to go around.  Blocks and medicine ball had to be used by some.  Not a bad problem to have if you ask me. 

FNG-1 is Adam.  Finkle talked him into posting.  Welcome, Adam.

FNG-2 is Dr. Dolittle.  Not an FNG anymore.

FNG-3 is Coat Factory. Not an FNG anymore either. 



20 x SSH (IC)

15 x Squats (IC)

10 x Cotton Pickers (IC)

10 x Toy Soldiers (IC)

Arm Circles forward and backwards


Zamparini to front of gym

5 x KB burp and overhead press OYO

15 x KB squat OYO

15 x KB Standing chest press OYO

15 x KB Reverse grip curls R and L OYO

10 x KB Step out squat R and L OYO

15 x KB Shoulder press R and L OYO

15 x KB Curls R and L OYO

15 x KB Skull Crushers  OYO

10 x American swings

Zamparini to down under bars

15 x Regular grip lat rows OYO

15 x Wide grip lat rows OYO

PAX shot put Challenge- one at a time each PAX “shot puts” sand ball as far as they can towards cone (~ 50 meters away). Group then “Maters” to where sand ball landed.  Next PAX throws, “Maters” to where it landed, repeat until all PAX have thrown and/or cone has been reached. U-turn and return to down under bars same method.

Beep beep I’m a Jeep/clank clank I’m a tank around down under bars once (Thank Hefty for bringing this one to Mustang)

Repeato for max rounds (1 ¾ completed)

“Maters” – (KB drags with bear crawls)



LBC (IC) x 15

Low flutter (IC) x 15

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 10 Left and right


In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself— Ephesians 5:28 NLT

In saying this, Paul sets the ultimate standard in comparing the marriage relationship with Christ and the church. Such an attitude makes abuse, mistreatment, or abandonment impossible to justify.   If a husband desires a better life, he can do so in part by investing more into his own wife. Love expressed to one's wife certainly offers numerous benefits to a husband, including unity, better parenting, less conflict, less stress, and other factors.  Happy Wife…Happy Life.

Name-a-rama and prayer out


Shot put throws went a littler farther than expected causing "Maters" to be a little farther than expected.  Sorry Guys!

Not much MC this morning.  Too early?  Long week?  Challenging workout?  

Pleasure to lead as always.  Hope your shoes and gloves dry out before Monday. 
