Jersey Boy gets a Visual

Your truly decided to get the Pax ready for summer.   The best way to do that is to take over a KB workout and ensure that everyone works their upper body to the core.  Admittedly…I was nervous.   Also – ever since I switched my major from math in college, I've never been a strong counter.   Here is how it went down:

The Warm-up

  1. An attempt at 10 SSH in cadence (poorly executed by YHC)
  2. A well counted 20 Mountain Climbers in honor of Travolta who helped me get stronger so many moon ago
  3. A very poorly executed ISS in cadence to 10 

(Admittedly, Bag Boy and Moses were on me from the beginning.  I knew that the F3 Illumnati were amongst the Pax so it added to my nervousness). Anyway, we've established that I can't count.   Lets get some work in with the KBs.

The Thang

A pettern of cones was laid out.   You start with an exerciese at the first cone, go to the second and do a new and different exercise, go back to the first repeato and you then back to the second, repeato,  and then onto the third, repeato, and fourth while adding a new and fun exercise at each cone.  Its called a Rock Stack and its brutal in its efficiency. Here were the exerices:

  1. 8 Count Total Body Builder X10 IC
  2. 1/2 Kneel Shoulder Press X6 for Each Shoulder OYO
  3. One Arm Row X8 for Each Arm IC (audibled to 6 a few times when my shoulders were spent)
  4. Round the World X8 Each Way OYO
  5. Russian Twist X10 Single Count IC
  6. We did a 'special Interlude' after coming back to exercise 1.  The special interlude was to grab a smaller/lighter weight and go to the side parking spot by 131 Main for some wall sit quality time. 
    1. 1 Minute wall sit while doing right arm curls
    2. 1 Minute wall sit while doing left arm curls
    3. 1 Minute standing with right shoulder press
    4. 1 Minute standing with left shoulder press
    5. 1 Minute Wall sit while doing right arm hammer curls (audible to 50 seconds)
    6. 1 Minute Wall sit while doing left arm hammer curls (audible to 50 seconds)
  7. We returned from the 'special interlude' and started back at the first cone and went all the way through the cones to add a special closer… The Pull Through 'Merican x10 OYO

The final pattern was:

1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1-Special Interlude-1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 <– Thats a lot of work gents.   Great job by all. 

Again…I used a timer and advertised that we would only do 45 seconds on each exercise and I somehow set the timer to 1 minute each.   Management has decided to give a full refund for all those unhappy with my inability to count.  I'll get better for next time.   Thats my promise to the Pax. 

The Nekked Man Moleskin

  1. Most of the Pax aren't used to a return of fire from the Q – I think some were caught off gaurd AND some took shrapnel in the cross fire.
  2. Bagboy demands excellence, including starting with the word 'Exercise' before commencing.  I need to get better. 
  3. Primo was confused on the definition of a light vs a heavy weight – I think Moses straightened him out
  4. Ninja used a standard weight and not a KB.  Some of the exercises were made a little easier with the weight and some, not so much.
  5. Omega complained that the 1/2 kneel shoulder press was a knee workout and not an F3 workout.   Last I checked, we work out in a parking lot. 
  6. Jersey Boy got a visual that shook the Pax a little bit.   Clarification – we aren't that kind of workout group.   We lean towards Tinder more than Grinder.
  7. Yosemite just ate the hard work alive.   
  8. The Pax asked what a hammer curl was during the wall sit.   I am not sure that they appreciated the explanation or the even worse worse visual.  
  9. The COT reminded everyone that we put in the work today and we did something to be proud of. I asked that everyone, regardless of denomination (Primo), take the opportunity today to share their light with the world. 

Enjoy your week.