Jersey Boy Goes Beast Mode at MMM

PAX Included: Harry Potter

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 12 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown at the state-of-the-art big green gym of the 131 Main parking lot.    

SSH x 5
Windmill x 5
Imperial Storm Trooper x 5
Cotton-Picker x 5
Mosey lap around parking lot x 2 (.25 mile)

Main Event:

Hand-Release Merican x 40
Kettle Bell Swing x 40
Hand-Release Merican x 30
Kettle Bell Swing x 30
Hand-Release Merican x 20
Kettle Bell Swing x 20
Hand-Release Merican x 10
Kettle Bell Swing x 10

Mosey lap around parking lot x 2 (.25 mile) – mosey one side, sprint the other.

Kettle Bell Squat-to-Press x 40
Pretzel Crunch x 40
Kettle Bell Squat-to-Press x 30
Pretzel Crunch x 30
Kettle Bell Squat-to-Press x 20
Pretzel Crunch x 20
Kettle Bell Squat-to-Press x 10
Pretzel Crunch x 10

Mosey lap around parking lot x 2 (.25 mile) – mosey one side with curls, skull crush the other (first lap), mosey one side, sprint the other.

Kettle Bell Lawn Mower Pull x 40
Kettle Bell Clean and Press x 40
WWII Situp x 40

Kettle Bell Lawn Mower Pull x 30
Kettle Bell Clean and Press x 30
WWII Situp x 30

Beginning Temperature: 74F
Weather conditions: Dry.
Total Running: most likely .75 mile
Total Planking Time: less than one minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Couldn’t get into the GCC container to get the bigger KB, so decided to scrap the workout and go with an old favorite designed by Ram Rod – yea, I stole it.  So? 
2.  Outlaw noted some worried faces as we approached the warmorama.
3.  Jersey Boy made sure to keep the count true.  Then he just went beast mode and called for more curls and skull crushers. 
4.  Why did Bailey keep hiding from us today? 
5.  The PAX kept calling: “More Kettle Bell, more Kettle Bell!”.  In fact, I think I heard Spare say something to the effect “I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Kettle Bell!”   
6.  Prayers continue to be lifted up for Cheech (Lexington, SC) and his family.  Rest in peace.
7.  It was an honor to finally lead the fine men of F3 at MMM, without doing a single burpee.
8.  Word on the street is that Outlaw is cooking up a good MMM workout for next week.