Jersey Boy Prevents a Viking Sad Clown

Event Date

Jan 16, 2024


YHC thankful that Jersey Boy made the decision to post this morning at Viking! Prior to the launch, JB reminded YHC that the threat of rain and cold temps could keep the PAX away but we managed to perform a worthy amount of work throughout North Meck Park. We covered 1.8 miles with pain stations along the way. Rock work was performed by doing curls, bent over rows, and shoulder presses. The shelter area at the back of the park was used for cover as the rain picked up, performing a series of alternating step ups and incline merkins. Mobility moments mixed in throughout the workout, ending with a few minutes of MARY.

JB and YHC got to have a brief and meaningful chat post workout!

Thanks for the companionship and encouragement this AM Jersey Boy! It was a great way to start the day.

Humbly in Christ