Jersey Boy’s birthday beat down

Event Date

Nov 08, 2020


8 packs for an early Saturday morning Jersey Boy's birthday beatdown . Here's what went down:

Jersey boy came 25 minutes ealier. He jsut came from Florida and a liitle no patient to train follow with Canuck who started running. I got in 15 minutes follow with Waffle HOuse, BUtter cup made a big entrance by speending in to parking to make it on time. He told that Merguez will came 15 minutes late.


Mosey to BBQ for Warmorama





  • Wait… the Disclaimer. It was given, “ I’m NOT….,This is self policing, stop or modify the exercises as required!’ 
  • SSH X 20 IC
  • Windmills X 20 IC
  • Imperial storm troopers X 10 IC
  • Carrot pullers X 20 IC



The Thang


Paint the parking lot lines divided in #1 & #2


#1-Do 10 SSH follow with 1 burpee run backward to RIGHT side & forward 9 SSH follow with 2 burpees

#2-Do 10 SSH follow with 1 burpee run backward to LEFT side & forward 9 SSH follow with 2 burpees



100 SSH



MERGUEZ showed up at the miiddle of the set


Divided to #1&2 ;

#1 run up to start run uphill follows with 10 burpees, go down WW II 20 reps

#2 start WW II-20 Reps and run up

All go down Burpees 10,8,6,4,2, & raise Rocky on the top of the hills

All at the bottom do WW II 20,18,16,14,12,10

Mosey went to soccer field


In honor Jersey Boy's 57 birthday

-5 step left side shuffle,5 side steps right side shuffle, 7 air squat run back to base and came the lat point to do 5 side shuffle L/R follow with 7 air suat until the end soccer field and sprint to base . Finish 57 WW II


Rascall kep saying..recover..recover,lol

The choir started sing wrong tunes….


-5 hindu push up forward follow 7 side gorill steps L/R run back to base 

and came the lat point to do 5 side shuffle L/R follow with 7 air suat until the end soccer field and sprint to base . Finish @X57 Freddie Mercury sit ups


last ones Jersey Boy was partner up with Mosey, he was rolling to L/R and Mosey was low squat and jump over sideways L/R


beap,,beap..beap …my time 7.50am


We started to do Cobra Kai's final touch strectcing,breathing body flow movements (come for more details)


52 degrees this morning the boys were having fun

Thankfully and even number showed up this morning. 

Great work by everyone this morning follow with coffee time the Starbuck

it was an honor to lead this great group of guys.