Joe Davis Run for Recovery

Event Date

Mar 09, 2019


Three of MILF3’s fastest went down to Fort Mill, SC for the Joe Davis Run For Recovery. A tale such as this can really only be properly told from a very Natty perspective, so this is their story.

One absolute rule on race day is that you should never try a new routine, wear anything new you had not worn before or eat anything different. This principle got tossed out of the window very early on race day when El Tigre offered me some magic workout beans. I’ll try anything twice, so I downed two with some coffee. I did notice an immediate spike in my heart rate monitor reading on my Garmin watch, but more about that later. 

Saw Slow Roll Saw in the church parking lot. He looked a little different somehow from afar, but he did fail to post to the Tuesday and Wednesday workouts so I just chalked it up to a lot can happen in a week. 

Saw the real Slow Roll shortly thereafter and realized it was his doppelgänger brother Mermaid earlier. They are twins. Just Like El Tigre and his brother. Kinda freaky. 

The Joel Davis Run For Recovery is a fundraiser to benefit Keystone, which offers nationally accredited and licensed services, including education, prevention and treatment (both outpatient and inpatient), to meet the needs of individuals, families, and groups in York County and surrounding areas experiencing alcohol and/or drug related problems.

The Carlson family was out in full force to honor their brother/uncle/son Eric J. Carlson who passed away seven years ago to the day. Although the p.a. sound system at the race start was not great, they gave a great tribute to Eric and the Carlson family support of the race prior to beginning the race.

F3 Nation had a very strong showing for the race. Lot of flags and with plenty of different and assorted regional F3 shirts on display. So how is that MIL F3 shirt coming along? 

Another race day rule is to make sure you try and find a seat to properly relieve oneself before the start of the race. You should never, ever pass up a short line at a port-a-john. Just one more rule that was broken this race day. 

Mile 1 of the race started pretty fast out of the gate. Would not see Slow Roll again until after the race. Caught up with El Tigre at mile marker 1 to check on his knee. It was feeling all right, and he too soonly went out of eyesight. 

Had to slow the pace some after mile 2 to try and breathe some. 

I started to have that uneasy feeling in my lower GI tract during mile 3. I really should have found a seat for that pre-race deuce since I now knew definitively that I could no longer confidently trust a fart. 

On or around mile 3, the magic beans start to kick in. Felt myself levitating, could witness myself running below as if in a drone, and my face definitely started to melt. Some cool refreshing water at an aid station helped to bring my back into perspective. 

While I am more of a long distance plodder these days, my best 10K race time happened way back in 1996 at the Sallie Mae 10K on the flat mall in Washington DC. I did not think I could come near that time again due the collective mileage these legs and body have incurred since then. 

At or about mile 4.5, seeing that I had a pretty strong pace going, I pushed hard for a strong finish

The now Official results for the Joe Davis Recover Run for your MIL FS brethren

  • Slow Roll – 23:28 (5K Division)
    • Sans weight vest; cramped up twice during race; upon further review may not have stretched enough before race
    • Finished 5th in age group
  • El Tigre – 46:44 (10K Division)
    • Fought through a gimpy knee incurred on Thursday from some Turkish kettle reps that went awry
    • Finished 6th in age group
  • Natty Lite – 49:12 (10K Division)
    • With a weight vest; finished just 1 second behind his PR (personal record) in the 10K
    • Finished 6thin age group

There apparently are no trophies handed out for finishing in 6th place in an age group 

It definitely got a little red afterwards post race. It involved having some brews on a truck tailgate in a church parking lot. And was followed up be a liquor store run after in search of bourbon and kind craft brews. Hilarity ensued.

Which one of these beers that taste and smell like weed is better? The Hemperor it is…

We may have just solidified the MIL F3 t-shirt design. If we only had an artist…

You men know anything about cars? Besides putting the key in the ignition and turning it in order to start the vehicle, no. 

Strong race and tribute men!