Joe Kidd and then some

Event Date

Oct 22, 2016

YHC had had enough of being in the running DL and made the call that I was "hurt" rather than "injured" – the PAX were greatful.  So I decided to lead the PAX in a gun fight with the great Joe Kidd and happy to report he is dead and the PAX have survived.  Here is how it went down:


Warm-o-Rama – none, decided that running would be a good warm up

The Thang

headed up the parking lot towards the middle school and the infamous Jim Kidd road.  

Stop # 1 (.75mi) 

HR Mericans x 20 IC

BBC x 15 IC

Air Squats x 15 IC

and we are running again Rotating PAX paceman

Stop #2

aomeine graciously put out cones for us to use so we did some broad jump burpees the length of 4-cones.  And we are running again

Stop #4 – The Rock

CDD x 10 IC

Flutter Kick x 25 IC

Squats x 10 IC

and we are running rotating PAX paceman

Stop #4 

Broad Jump Burpees x 4 cones

and we are running…

Stop #5

HR Mericans x 10 IC

BBC x 10 IC

Jump Squats OYO x 10

and we are running home…right on time for recover recover – total miles for those of you playing at home 3.6 miles


– pleasure leading the fine PAX this AM – strong work

– lots of 2nd F stuff coming up check the website

– Remember no adult toys allowed

see you all next time in the gloom

Tbone – Out!