Johnny Five Alive


Another strong showing for a midweek mustang beat beatdown. 15 Pax completed a short circuit.

Dynomite – needs to register


Warm up


15 x Air Squared (In a peoples chair position air claps (4 count) IC

Variety counter clockwise run around parking lot (shuffle L/R, backwards, hallelujah) stop at tennis court tables for 20x step ups each leg

Stop at tire on the way to block station, PAX holds plank until everyone Flips tire 5 times and completes 5 pull-ups .. continued mosey to blocks and form a circle  …

The Thang

Retrieve Block

Lap 1 – 15 count run in place with block IC

Lunge walk uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot), run formation,  scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


Lap 2 – 15 count run in place with block over head IC Lunge walk uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot), run formation,  scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


Lap 3 – 15 count skull crushers IC, Lunge walk uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot), run formation,  scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


Lap 4  – 15 count high knees with blocks IC, Lunge walk uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot), run formation,  scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


Lap 5  – 15 count curls with blocks IC, Lunge walk uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot), run formation,  scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


Return blocks, backwards hill climb and mosey back to warm-up for mary –>  what we missed due to time

  1. Lap 6- 15 count squat with blocks IC, Mosey uphill 20 wall kicks (each foot),scale wall, back down and Plank for 6


  2. Lap 7 – 15 count butt kickers with blocks IC, 3 laps of quadraphilia



20 x Low flutter IC

20 x Low plank knee-ups IC

20 x Low dolly IC

20 x IC mason twists



“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

Romans 1:16 NIV


  • Omitted the reflection on my Weinke printout so went to the Verse of the day. Ironically enough this applies to the Benham brothers talk last weekend and our being steadfast in our faith and being unashamed in voicing our faith




  • Mad scurry before go time to locate our flipping tire, difficult to find a black tire in the gloom.

  • Closer is the teacher’s pet after making sure the counts are announced. Pax got the message for the block work

  • Chatter abound for the BRR, congrats brothers that participated

  • Lots of groans for the 20 IC mason twists and how the Q needs to speed up his count … suffered right along with ya !