Jollyball Week 1 – It’s no River Rat, but it’ll do

Also in attendance but not on the website: Hobbs, Christie

Welcome FNGs: Josh, Kevin, Christian, and Jonathan (now Space X)

Welcome back Kotters: Gypsy, Olive, Mr Burns, Brown Bag


Great turnout for the first week, we had enough guys to field 4 teams and play two games simultaneously.

The sun woke up late and the field and balls were slick, but that didn't limit the action or excitement. For a variety of reasons, one of which included Jolly Roger's recruiting tactics of securing talent through phenomenal looking anthracite-colored official game worn jerseys with names on the back, one team had extra players and one team played down a man. Other than that the sides were even.  Little Debbie donut sticks were distributed as a post game snack and a bunch of Pax met for coffeeteria afterward. It was a good fall morning.

Not-so-official scores and brief recap below, feel free to add everything I may have missed in the comments:

Field 1

Orange Crush (Orange) 9 – The Greatest Show on Turf (Green) 7 

The Greatest Show on Turf, playing a man down, got behind early but put up a valiant effort and almost came back to win. Orange Crush, bolstered by the last minute addition of two Kachow recruited FNGs, took care of business, putting the nail in the coffin as time expired and winning by 2.

Field 2

Limited Liability City (Red) 16 – D.B.A.P. (Anthracite) 10  

Despite a deep bench and phenomenal looking, anthracite colored, authentic game worn jerseys with names on the back, DBAP couldn't keep up with a bunch of young upstarts from LLC. 


Awards for this week (Field 1 teams feel free to add additional observations):

The MVP: Olive –  Quick as a cat, there is no telling how many goals DBAP might have scored without Olive doing hockey goalie splits to block shots on goal. Impressive showing by the veteran.

The Most Popular / He Hate Me Award: Ramrod – could have been called the Watch Your Back Award this week. Ramrod has the back of his teammates and leaves the opposition watching theirs. 

The Bickering Couple Award: who else? Burnsy and Dallas – they just love pointing out eachother's faults

The Head for the Bleachers Early Award: Jolly Roger and EpiPen – I'm sure they had good reasons for exiting early and it had nothing to do with the score.

The Newcomers Award: Josh Randles and Kevin Cashion. First timers Josh and Kevin were a formidable offensive duo in leading LLC to victory.

The Bash Bash Brothers Award: I was pretty sure Pierogi and Big Mean were wearing shoulder pads under their official game worn jerseys. It was later confirmed Jolly hired them as body guards to intimidate the opposition. It worked.

Stay tuned for week 2 results next week…


We could still use a few more guys out there, come on out and ask a friend. Wear a shirt the color of one of teams and join us!








