FNGs: Jack (now Last Resort), Burke (now Granola), and Levi (1st post)

Also in attendance was Bubble Wrap, JV, and Hobbs.

I was told to give Free Pass only half credit for coming, but from what I hear about his postgame analysis he deserves full credit.

Not sure what happened but the scores were a bit lopsided this week. DBAP finally found their stride and picked up their first win.

DBAP – 20 vs Orange Crush – 1

Limited Liability City – 10 vs. Greatest Show on Turf – 1


Playoffs are scheduled for Saturday, November 16th. Will confirm start times early next week, but looking like the games will be played under the lights, with a 6am start for the semifinals, and the finals to follow.

Semifinal matchups are as follows:

#1 Limited Liability City vs. #4 Orange Crush

#2 DBAP vs. #3 Greatest Show on Turf
