Jug-A-Lug at Hollywood

11 hard-chargers sallied forth at Hollywood for the jug-a-lug with 200+ merkins and 1.75 miles underfoot.


Apparently the pre-blast reading rate in this group is .00043% since most arrived unaware of the request to bring juggies.  Fortunately this veteran Q is ready for any eventuality.  With some extra jugs on-hand, and some quick partnering up, the jug a lug progressed nicely.

Deep Dish and Li'l Prof arrived 5 mins before launch, went home to retrieve jugs, and somehow returned before we even broke from CoP.

Happy Gilmore opined that The Force forgot him this morning, but they were both there.

Titan found jugs somewhere.

Deep Dish expressed his joy at the FNG's nickname Merghez due to it being "sahsuj" related, and he proceeded to give himself a celebratory precordial thump

Welcome to 2nd poster Merghez (Tunisian sausage) who is but one of Cobra Kai's steady stream of EH's.

Good job by Cobra Kai who may eclipse Scrappy as all-time EH king?

Slingshot is rolling.  I don't think I've been to a workout in weeks where he wasn't in attendance.

Jersey Boy was a late arrival.  He's nursing an injured digit, but posted for coffee!  That's a welcome Starsky!

Those jugs are brutal. The 15th round ain't no joke.