Jug-a-Lug XL at Dragon Slayer

Event Date

Apr 11, 2019

Anchovy and YHC ran a 3 mile Standard at a non-BreakfastClub pace discussing the joys af Spring allergies and such.

We have a few new toys at GCC… 10 Gal "jugs" with about 45# of sand in each one.

Here is our story:


  • Slow Mosey around parking lot
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kickers
    • Carioca
  • SSH 20 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • MC 10 IC

Set One

  • KB Work
    • Curl 15 IC
    • Skull Crusher 15 IC
    • Thruster 15 IC
    • Lawn Mower 10 IC R/L
    • Upright Row 8 IC
    • Chest Press w/Low Flutter 20 IC
    • Snatch 8 OYO R/L

Set Two

  • Group A: Farmer Carry 40yds and back
  • Group B: Pull-up 10 OYO
  • Group C: Block Swing/Squat/Run to Fence & Back AMRAP
  • Rotate & Repeato x 3

Set Three

  • Dip 15 IC
  • Box Jump Burpee x 10 OYO

Set Four

  • Repeat First KB Set
  • Added Merkin 10 IC


  • Mason Twist – Gypsy
  • Freddie Mercury – Springfield
  • Homer to Marge – Bunyan

Recover Recover

I thought I should’ve made the farmer carry farther, but by the third round I realized… it was more than enough!

Good to see Anchovy here again for the second week.  See, runners can do beatdowns!

Please help Springfield spread mulch at GCC this Saturday, 4/13!

Great work by all!
