Juggin round the block

Event Date

Jan 27, 2016

Four pax grabbed a pair of one gallon water jugs and met up at DPK to get stronger.  This is their story

Warm Up-

Juggy Jacks- x10 ic

Juggy Mill – x10 ic

Juggy Soldier – x10 ic

Juggy Pickers – x10 ic

The Thang-

Juggers moseyed over to the DPK building for a four corners beatdown.  Juggers were given 4-5 exercises which they would complete at each corner.  Once completed they would jog to the next corner and rinse and repeat.  Once one full revolution was made the pax would plank until everyone was finished

Round One- Jug Shoulder press x 10, Front Jug Raise x10, Side Jug Raise x10, Jug Curls x10, Burpees x 5 (jugless)

Round Two -Same exercises however this time each exercise was done with each arm alternating individually and the reps were brought down to x5 each

Round Three – Jug Squats x10, Jug Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x5 each leg, Jug Lunge x5 each leg, Jug Step Ups x10 each leg

Round Four – Juggy Cockroaches x 5 ic (Bullet), Jug W's x 10 (Freedom), Jug WWII Sit Ups (touching the ground with the jugs both ways) (Blackbeard), Juggy Kegels (a v-up with the jug between your knees, then passed to your hands for a rep, then passed back between your knees.  #burner) (Billy Bob)

Recover Recover

Thought of the Night:

"Some say a hero was born to be brave.  But I'm here to tell you a hero is a scared man who won't walk away." Keni Thomas


Thanks for coming out pax.  It was a good one. I'm definitely feeling it today. Which I like.  Soreness is instant gratification for me telling me that I got better. and I kindof like it.  I also kindof like short incomplete sentences apparently.

Thanks for the inspiration Gnarly Goat. The jug workout has always been a great thing for F3

We had a discussion about how much the jugs weigh at the start of the workout.  YHC said somewhere between 8 and 12 pounds.  At the start of the workout it felt like 8, but it felt like 15 by round two.  Turns out they weigh 8.34 pounds. 

Billy Bob made the comment early on that he never expected the burpee to be the easy exercise in the round.  I'll take that as a compliment.  Big ups on the ab exercise too, that was a tough one.

Blackbeard with the fastest 10 count of all time.  I think you skipped a few numbers and I'm down with it.  Also had the initiative to add in an extra leg exercise during round 3.  Great stuff, pushing all of us to be better.

Freedom stepped up big for the Q next week and I am really looking forward to it.  Thanks for having the idea for this night workout too, it's been a great thing for me. 

Great to see Toxic at Harveys after.  Looking forward to seeing you at Night Ranger next week. 

Always an honor guys.

Silver Bullet