July 4th Jumbalaya

(Dash, Comet, Wolf, also attended; not on Pax list)

22 men (including several 2.0's) emerged from the gloom to partake in the annual 4th of July Denver convergence.  Good fun, and a fair bit of pain, was had by all.


  • 20x SSH   (x = in cadence)
  • 10x windmill
  • 15x Tony Hawks
  • 10x merkins regular
  • 15x Imperial squat walkers
  • 15x mountain climbers
  • 15x monkey humpers

Pass the Q to Metro, who leads us about 1/4 mile to the pull up bars…I think we did some side-to-sides along the way.  Count off by 3's.

  • 1's do 25 pull ups, 25 burpees, and 25 merkins, then run 2 laps
  • 2's run a lap, then do the 25's, then run a lap
  • 3's run 2 laps, then do the 25's

That was fun, but nothing compared to the 200yard uphill bear crawl challenge.  That was new levels of suffering. 

Mosey to the rock pile.  Pick up a friend; don't set it down. Re-group up the hill in the parking lot.

  • 10x curls for the girls
  • 10x shoulder press
  • 10x trifecta

Re-align to the top of the hill.  3 rounds of:

  • 5x somethings with a rock
  • run down the hill
  • 10 burpees
  • quadraphelia back up the hill

Karaoke 200 yards to the disc golf launch pad.  Describe post-workout community service opportunity.  Mosey back around the loop to pick up stray gloves and water bottles.

To celebrate our country's 240 years, we perform 240 seconds of Mary:

  • 1 minute of American Hammers
  • 1 minute of WW1 situps
  • 1 minute of American Hammers
  • 1 minute of WW2 situps



  • Psalms 33: 12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!"
  • pretty traditional, and, let's be honest, I'm not sure our nation is on the right path right now; many would suggest that we aren't a big player in End of Times coming ahead
  • I encourage you Brothers to make sure that the flock you are tending; your family; is pointed in the right direction.  Our society has given us many idols or lords to choose from.  Who do you serve?  Who does your family serve?
  • Joshua 24:15 "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


  • Awesome showing on a holiday morning.  I know I speak for MetroDog when I say it was an honor to lead.  You guys are an amazing inspiration.  It's great to see so much Brotherly love and encouragement!
  • T-claps to those who were able to stay and help with the disc golf course: Skipper, Ziplock, Diesel, Oldies, Wolf, Sonar.  Took about 90 minutes, and we made a big difference.  Some good Round Up will help with some of the remaining stuff.
  • 'merica!