July 5th lessons in history

Event Date

Jul 05, 2017

ELHS had 10 PAX post to work off the 4th booze and food.  All came for a workout and left with a stronger body and a stronger mind thanks to a history lesson. FNG-1 is Weld

15 IC Squats
20 IC Mt. Climbers
15 IC Tony Hawks
10 IC 'Mericans

Today we are learning a bit of history.  On this day, July 5th 1852, escaped former slave Fredrick Douglas, 14 years after escaping slavery gave his speech, "What to the Slave is the 4th of July".  Many do not know this, but the song Green Sally is an old slave song that children used to sing and dance to.  "Last one squat got to tear the ground" was similar to "last one's a rotten egg" and the part "Old Miss Lucy's dead and gone" was followed by, "if you hate it fold your arms, if you love it clap your hands"

Next Exercise "Green Sally Up" 'Mericans

The thing
Mosey over to the parking lot

Also on this day in 1687 Isaac Newtons 3 laws were first published in "Principia"

Newton's 1st Law "Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it." aka inertia. It keeps you moving forward.Next exercise the suicide run.  At each turn/change of direction you experience Newtons first law.

Newton's 2nd law "Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration" aka F=m*a
Next exercise partner up for a partner resistance workout. Partners face each other and partner A moves backwards while partners B provides resistance. Flap-jack

Newton's 3rd law "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
Next exercise Plyo 'Mericans or "jumping spiders". 10 OYO

Mosey to the rock pile…

And for your final bit of "on this day" history, you can thank French auto mechanic Louis Reard for creating and unveiling on this day in 1946 the swimsuit we all love, called the bikini. He thought the design would be highly explosive and the name was inspired by American atomic [Bravo] bomb testing that took place off the Bikini Atoll.  It really took off in the US after Brian Hyland (no relation) released "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie [yellow polka dot bikini]"

Next exercise is some explosive reps…

10 IC Trifecta
Hop the wall and back

10 IC squatting curls
10 IC Shoulder press
10 IC Skull crushers
Hop the wall and back

10 IC Curls
10 IC Squat Trusters
10 IC Laying skull crushers
Hop the wall and back

30 seconds wall sit (10s one leg, 10s other leg, 10s both legs)
30 seconds BTTW
30 seconds wall sit (10s one leg, 10s other leg, 10s both legs)

10 IC Peter Parker
10 IC Dr. W
10 IC Low Dolly
15 IC Low Flutter
30 Second American Hammer

Isaiah 12:4 "And you will say in that day: 'Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted'"


  • Nice to have Beefcake join us today
  • Didn't hear too much MC except from Clubber who complained about squats and 'Mericans, and basically any exercise that required effort.
  • Epic fail from the pax on their history today.  I thought for sure we'd get the 3 Newton's laws correct.  Tinker got one of them, but mixed up the 1st with the 2nd.
  • Q looks over during Mary and see's ShortBus with his eyes closed.  No, he's not asleep he's just putting everything he had left into finishing the beatdown. T-claps for sticking with it.
  • Difficult avoiding the fartsack today. With fireworks being set off until close to midnight YHC ended up with less than 5 hours of sleep.  Couple the late night with many traveling (Hefty, Ziplock) and some super busy work schedules (C#, Closer) and at least one runner coming off IR training for another marathon, and we ended up with 10 PAX today.