July Horseshoe

Like it hot and humid with no breeze? Love to run uphill both ways? On vacation, reverse commuting from the ocean no less and staying in a nearby B&B and looking for a local F3 group to join for a workout in the gloom? Enjoy the wafting aroma of bacon? How would you like to have your first 2 workouts ever with F3 be the Bonesaw followed by the Horseshoe? If you answered yes to any of the above, then you are reading the correct Backblast. If not, then there is some hope still for your sanity. 


The Thang:

Jog to the lower parking lot

Formal disclaimer

SSH X 20

Stretchy stretch while we got to know our Clemson grad engineer visiting from The Riviera in the Grand Strand, vacationing with his wife of 20 years and family at the B&B near Ramsey Creek. Creative nickname of Run Off given his construction oversight. We also got to know FNG Gary Hannah who met his wife while teaching English in S Korea, his wife is from here and was depressed for the 3 months she lived in his native Scotland (he definitely has the Brogue), 2 young children with the youngest 7 months. Illustrates children's books for fun and no pay he reports, pays the bills laying cable/troubleshooting for a local cable provider. 1st 2 workouts – Bonesaw and Horseshoe – yep, he is a legend already.

Mosey to the base of that dreaded hill, instructions on the 5 exercises to be added then dropped with each of the 10 circuits and 5 laps total to complete the Horseshoe:

Mericans X 20

Squats X 20

CDD X 20

LBC X 20

W's X 20

Convene at fire station

Touch 'Dem Heels X 20

Mosey to the lower parking lot

Pretzel Crunches X 10 each side

Mosey to the launch for Recover Recover

Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Hearty welcome to Run Off and newly minted Links! Pleaseure to have you guys for your initial Horseshoe. Wish you could have stayed for your complimentary cup 'o Joe Run Off.

2) Cracker Jack is a straight up Beast – Lapped everyone in the field while doing extra rock work each and every lap – IMPRESSIVE! I am putting Swing State and Egyptian on notice – I am not sure you guys can even hang with him. August 21????

3) Hollywood ran up front as usual, Hat Trick feigned dislike yet again for the workout he affectionatley calls "HorseSHIT". He loves it, he really loves it.

4) Gnarly Goat sporting the "tomato carrier" bike with the usual and expected cotton from head to toe. 

5) Great to see Free Pass, T-Bone, Calypso and Silver Bullet (sporting the Freddy Mercury 'stache) at coffeeteria – this biking craze apparently has legs. 

6) One more Horseshoe prior to BRR. Ughh

7) Q sheet is wide open rest of the month and August – sign up, 1st time Q's always welcome.

Honor and privilege as always to lead this group of men!

