We felt like packing it up, packing it in, but…let me begin


Lap around parking lot

SSHs 15x IC

Windmills 15x IC

Mountain Climbers 15x IC

Toy Soldiers 15x IC


Mosey to benches at entrance to school


  • Box Jump, right leg only 15x
  • Decline Merkin 15x IC
  • Box Jump left leg only 15x
  • Incline Merkin 15x IC
  • Box Jump both legs 15x
  • Diamond merkin 10x IC

Mosey to parking lot behind school

  • Burpee broad jump backward to first hoop, burpee broad jump forward back to start.
  • Merkins 10x IC
  • Bear crawl backward to first hoop, bear crawl forward back to start.
  • Merkins 10x IC
  • Side shuffle left to second hoop, side shuffle right back to start.
  • Merkins 10x IC
  • Bunny hop backwards to first hoop, bunny hop forward back to start.
  • Merkins 10x IC
  • Full ladder: Quadrafilia out to first hoop, sprint back. Then second hoop, then third hoop.
  • Mosey to pull ups bars

Partner Up

  • Pullups 15x
  • Partner pushups 10x while partner planks then flapjack
  • Ab throwdowns 15x each

Repeato with Chinups

  • Chinups 15x 
  • Partner pushups 10x while partner planks then flapjack
  • Ab throwdowns 15x each

Repeato with Toes to the Bar

  • Toes to the bar 15x 
  • Partner pushups 10x while partner planks then flapjack
  • Ab throwdowns 15x each

Lap around the Oak: One lap with partner around the Mighty Oak and back. Take turns jumping on one leg while other partner runs beside you. One partner or the other must be broad jumping on one leg for the entire lap. 

Mosey back to parking lot


Superman banana ~2 minutes



Great showing by the Pax today on a rainy morning at the Mighty Oak. Hearty welcome to FNG now named Popcorn, congrats on your 2nd post and way to see it through today. Popcorn was invited by Carpet Bagger who is building his house, now that is some serious EHing. 

Olaf and Travolta, way to push us. Olaf came hungry today, YHC couldn't serve the courses up fast enough, he was taking them down and looking for more. Oh and smiling of course, lots of smiling. Nice work 

Watch out for Egyptian, coming to a workout near you. He has yet to register, I think hoping to remain incognito. But he is putting in the work. He may be new, but he is dangerous. You will know it's him when you see a shiny head run by you. Think Yul Brynner: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/7459155609013616/

Birkdale Clown Car, thanks for your support as always, rain or shine. 


Psalm 62:5-8: "For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us." 

Psalm 115:11- "You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield."

These scriptures are a needed reminder for me that my hope is in the Lord. I find comfort in seeing David (a warrior, a man known for his courage, and a man after God's heart) repeat this to himself, as a reminder of where his hope lies. When I am anxious, afraid, struggling with doubt or uncertainty- I am reminded that my hope and trust is in God, the living God.