Jumping with joy at Knox Hill

Event Date

Sep 20, 2022


9 of the fastest pax in Isotope were jumping with joy at the sight of Knox Hill. Here is their story:

Many of the regular cast of characters at FKT were noticeably absent. But not Slingshot, he was there. The FKT was ripe for the taking. Instructions were short and we launched at 0530. Start on time, end on time. All was right with the world. Until…

Which holes do we run? Do we take the fairway or the cart path? Why do we need lights? The faster you run the less unimportant questions you have to answer and typically the pax will follow. Hard to Knox Hill with a cut through the golf course with burpees at the top and grab the six at the bottom. 

The Thang was so easy. Hard up Knox Hill with burpees at the top and some combination of jump knee tucks, Apolo Ohno, and one legged squats at the bottom. AMRAP until its time to head home. AM/PM gave us a 1.5 count because 10 counts are soft and we high tailed it back to the AO. 

Smokey loves hills but Hoodie loves flat and was first to the double white. He earned the FKT, kinda. Jobe was noticebly the only Boatguster amid a sea of Goatbusters doing burpees at the top of Knox Hill. He forgot to invite CB and Popcorn…allegedly. Are HCs even a thing anymore? Its much easier to just stay quiet in the background hoping and praying that no one calls you out. Under promise over deliver or something. AM/PM delivered. Thats my bad. Asking for a 10 count at FKT. WTH!?! 

Jobe's ass was quivering. He liked it. He wants to make your ass quiver on Thursday at IPC. Ra ra ra Auto will be there. 

Old man leg was out and crushing hills. Something big must be coming. Anchovy forgot to pickup BC. Must be an off month. Maybe one of these days the Triple Crown will return. 

Thanks Frodo for the opportunity to Q at FKT. Heal up Scrappy. Hopefully we ran FKT how you would have minus waking up Knox Hill. Thanks to Lego for taking us out and for the call out on marriages. We all need more prayers for our marriages. Show your M you love her today. She deserves it and your kids deserve to see you do it. Until the next time…