24 hard chargers emerged from the gloom to test themselves running uphill both ways in a horsehoe pattern with exercises at each end. 1st 7 back to base of the hill at each lap did 20 rock curls. 

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare 

Calf stretches

SSH X 10

Long Snappers X 10

Windmills X 10

IST X 10

Mosey to the base of the hill picking up 7 rocks on the way

20 reps of each of the following in a pyramid fashion for 100 total – that is THE Horseshoe


Mountain Climbers


Low Flutters



Mosey to the fire station

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

W's X 20

Touch 'Dem Heels X 20

Homer to Marge X 5 revolutions

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the Launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Congratulations to Shorty on completing his first Horseshoe and Slice on completing his second

2) If you haven't seen it – Slice went Old School and took the tangent on his naming to make the Slice soda can his avatar on Twitter.  Well Played!

3) Always great to have Kid Rock home and in the house – we miss you brother.

4) Also – happy to see Soprano, M-16, Fenway and Hippie back at PAINinsula. Here every Tuesday, love to see you more often

5) In case you haven't noticed, Stromboli keeps kicking ass at age 60 with an artificial hip to boot. RESPECT! RESPECT!

6) Not Fake News, but to no one's surprise Your Honor Scrappy absolutely killed it today

7) The WSIC broadcast  mentioned will be this Thursday 8AM on Speed for Need will be on the weekly Purple Heart Homes Putting the Pieces Back Together show on and then subsequent Podcast. Hosted by F3 Statesville's Chap (Brad Borders) with guest our very own Don Ho. Check it out! Privileged to have done a few Speed For Need runs and I highly recommend the experience. The more runners/pushers the better!


As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!


