June Murph at Mustang

Event Date

Jun 27, 2016

FNG-1 in place of Handsome Rob who still has yet to register.

We had 12 today, a full dozen, which is quite an impressive turnout for the Mustang Murph.  We welcomed back Doodle who has been MiA lately.  

Abrams says he's feeling off today, but then throws down at least 1 mile at 6:30(something) pace.

We discussed a lack of barking spiders this morning, which of course prompted the usual suspects.  Skid marks may have been left, but who's checking?…not me!  

There was also one death recorded in the workout today.  A ginormous horsefly wanted to join us and this caused much excitement through several rounds. Sonar locks in on the horsefly and squashes him upon the back of Oldies.  "Nothing personal" Sonar says as the last thing that went through that poor horsefly's mind was his own rear end followed by Sonar's Murph calloused hand while he pimp slaps the horsefly into oblivion.

We ate our meat (100 pull-ups, 200 'mericans, and 300 squats), then finished our potatoes as we ran back to the launching pad.

Good running today and solid efforts all around.

Continued prayers for Closers sister

(care of Bible app verse of the day…)
Proverbs 12:1 AMP Whoever loves instruction and correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is like a brute beast, stupid and indiscriminating