June Murph at Vanquisher

0500: El Chapo, Jedi, Nordberg, and YHC ran a Standard to the St Mark pull up bars, and ran back. 

0530: The PAX of 7 ran to the St Mark pull up bars, did the Murph, and ran back.

0614: Recover! Recover!!



The Murph is never easy.  This month Jedi made it even harder on himself with poor scheduling.  

TBC mentioned it was mild and low humidity, this AM, but he didn't look or feel that way at the end of the workout.  Better get your Hygrometer checked.

Ultraman is unstoppable.  He my have been War Daddy today, but I'm not even sure he even broke a sweat.  So unstoppable in fact he's going to doubling down with a Wynfield evening run tonight.  Join him at 7.

Tests confirm, even after vacation, El Chapo is still fast.  Ankles are wet, but he's still fast.

Travolta how are your hands doing?  Did you get this slipperiness off of them yet?  Hope its not permanent.

Dear Master Q's of Isotope, Nordberg is ready to Q your workouts.  He practiced is cadence count this morning, and passed with flying colors.   

F3 Softball game is set for July 10th at 2pm.  Submit your HCs now.

Continued prayers for Todd, Teri, and all those not mentioned this morning.