June #MurphChallenge at #ArniesArmy

18 pax, including FNG Brian Duke, now known as The Dutchess, Showtime (get that man signed up on the website), and two others that I can't remember (sorry, sound off in comments and I will add you to the pax list), crushed the monthly installment of the #ArniesArmy Murph Challenge. The run was apparently optional but the pain was real. Here is their story:


6 Goatbusters met #TheStandard for ~2.5 miles of recovery (Snoopy, Gray Ghost, Lego, Poptart, Perrier, and YHC)



Run 1 Mile
Pull-ups x 100 OYO
Mericans x 200 IC
Squats x 300 IC
Run 1 Mile

Recover Recover



  • Welcome FNG Brian Duke, now forever known as The Dutchess. This one didn't take long. Just as Bam Bam started into what was surely going to be some long story about his planned name, Lego screamed out The Dutchess for obvious reasons and it was a done deal…strong work today brother…it won't get easier but you will definitely get stronger
  • Bars were full today with lots of work being put in…TClaps to everyone for showin' up and puttin' out
  • Snoopy pushin' the pace on #TheStandard after having knee surgery like last week…you're an animal Snoop…glad to have you back
  • So many new faces out this AM…remember #TheMurph launches on the last Monday of the month and meets at Jason's Deli as we run 1 Mile in to the #ArniesArmy PU Bars and 1 Mile back after
  • Q School at #TheFoundry is this Friday. 0500 F3 History/Background Discussion 0530 Q101…you will get a workout and you will get a chance to lead so come prepared with an exercise or two and let's get you ready for your VQ
  • Thanks to Auto for the opportunity to Q at #ArniesArmy and to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. F3 is truly a gift to be shared. Make the decision to lead today. Lead your family, your friends, your coworkers, that person you meet that needs His light in their life. Just lead. Until the next time…

Don Ho