Juneteenth at Cauldron – A KB workout and Town Hall Discussion

Not listed in Pax list:  M.O.D. (17) and FNG Donovan, who came upon Baller at a solo workout just yesterday and was rightfully EH'ed and posted today.  See you tomorrow for your nick-naming, Donovan!

Recent events in our nation have been disturbing, sadening, scary, frustrating and so much more.  I've engaged in numerous discussions with friend and family and church (online), but I've yet to reach out to any black friends or coworkers until today.  I felt called to "do something."  So today's workout happened.  T-claps to Baller for immediately embrasing the idea when I reached out earlier this week.

So 11 men of different races, ages and other demographics arrived in the humid gloom at Cauldron – most had heard something different would take place today, thus YHC thanks and admires them for participating.  Here's how it went…


I’m not a professional nor am I an expert really on anything.

Don’t get hurt

Open your mind

Open your heart

Open your spirit to all your brothers


No warm-o-rama. You’ve seen the news, social media, the heartbreak, the protests. We’ve been warmed up for this for far too long.


“Justice too long delayed is justice denied.“

– Dr. Martin Luther King


Into the deck and down a level (Gladiator was in the way).  Line up with your KBs.


Line up.

Weights up.

Some of you may have seen or heard this or something like this.


'Privilege Race" up the ramp and outside. Before I say go I’m going to make a series of statements. If they apply to you, you get to take two broad jumps forward. You ALSO get to drop and do 20 Merkins (cuz that’s what we do).

  • if you grew up with a predominant father figure in the home.
  • If you grew up with both mom and dad living together.
  • If you never felt afraid to walk through your neighborhood.
  • If you had access to private education or tutors growing up.
  • If you’ve never had to worry about your power or phone getting shut off or being evicted from your home.
  • If you’ve never had to help mom or dad with their bills.
  • If your parents paid for your college.
  • If you never wondered where your next meal would come from.


So anyone in the front rows who are ahead of the race now (and tired of doing Merkins) before you ever started – look around. You are privileged. I’m not saying you should be ashamed or embarrassed. But I ask that you recognize that you (and possibly your children) are privileged. It doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been difficult. It just means your skin color likely wasn’t one of the things that made it difficult.


The "race" was the Pax running w/ KB overhead chasing the Q up the ramp and outside.

Curlce up outside.

Don’t put your KB down. With no breaks:

Skull crushers x20

All the curls x15 each

Lawn mower pulls x10 each

Stock the shelves x15 

Upright rows x15

Al Gore Squat Time Bomb.  8-6-4-2.


By 5:50ish, start Mary.  Pax call it around the circle


6AM circle up to exercise our minds

The Moleskine would only include a couple tidbits as this will be a LONG BB to add the discussion questions and COT prayer.

– Baller pulled an ab-something toward the end.  Hmmm – he showed up with a female neighbor's KB, so we thought he could handle it.  But it was FORTY POUNDS! Hope you're ok, Baller.

– Welcome FNG Donovan.  Donovan quickly dropped in some mumblechatter while beside YHC and that's very encouraging for a first post!  Interestingly, Donovan's not sure where he lives – just knows how to get there…

The Town Hall Discussion:  I'd reached out to Baller in advance and he immediately agreed to take questions and discuss his perspective and insights with the group.  SO MUCH THANKS, Baller.  We asked questions like (and I've taken liberties with paraphrasing the Q&A):

Q:  What 1-2 points or topics would you as a black man like to share with your white F3 brothers?

A:  Communication is key.  Talk about it.  Also, take a close look at your circle – is it diverse?  If not, make a point to make it diverse.  Call/seek a black friend to talk.  Include other demographics into your circle to learn.

Q:  What common terms or saying do you hear you wish others wouldn't use?

A:  "All lives matter."  All lives can't matter until black lives matter.  Also discussed was that when responding to a Black Lives Matter topic one states "All lives" or "Blue Lives" or anything else – that is viewed as a distraction from the topic at hand.  Yes, all lives matter – that's a given.  And blue lives matter yes – but the topic is Black Lives Matter – don't change the subject.

Q:  What are your thoughts on confederate statues?

A:  The confederate flag bothers me more.  Growing up, when I saw it, it scared me.  Monuments don't bother me as much, but I know they can represent hate and racism.  I don't feel there's a place for a confederate flag on a govt building or in a prominent public place.  But if people want to have a confederate flag, they have the freedom to do so.  I don't like it and I may think a certain way about you, but it's your choice.  May not mean you're a racist, but maybe uninformed, insensitive, etc.

There was other good dialogue but I don't have notes on it.  Thanks again to Baller for being open to this.

COT prayer:

Dear Lord my prayer today is a simple one:

For every man here – whether my own sons or my F3 brothers, no matter our age, race or background:

We pray you will:

CRAWL inside our brains and fill us with your knowledge

CRAWL inside our souls and fill us with your forgiveness

CRAWL inside our hearts and fill us with unconditional love

To quote the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr:

“Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their sentilating beauty.“

Dear Lord help us to recognize Dr King hoped for that over 50 years ago. Help us to recognize how far from from his hopes and dreams we remain and help us all work together to make a difference – Finally.

In your name and in your son's name we beg you and we pray this to you.

