Jungle Block Party

While many LKN PAX headed north for all that Mattress City has to offer – 17 stayed behind and hit the Mighty Jungle.  [Not listed above – Flood Plain]

Olaf was the War Daddy and Flood Plain at 16 was the War Baby.   First time for me working out with Flood Plain – a fine, upstanding, young man – who did a good job of EH’ing several of us to check out some of the MECA AO’s.

Our Journey through the Jungle went something like this…..


Mosey to the fountain and circle up.  After a brief disclaimer – we went through some of the regular suspects – SSH, IST, Windmill, Mericans, Squats

Bear Crawl down the sidewalk and then mosey to the dumpster to pick out some blocks – one per PAX – and grab a partner.


Partner 1 – grab both blocks for a farmer carry   Partner 2 – does 5 burpees and then catches up to Partner 1.  Flip Flop, Flap Jack.  Continue “thusly” until everyone made a circuit around the entire parking lot.  Before we began – Soprano and Toxic earned some extra credit by running to the pull up bars to get blocks after we ran out.  While we waited for them, the remaining PAX did some quick block work.  I’d estimate that each Partner went through 7 or 8 cycles of each exercise – Farmer Carry/Burpees as we circled the lot.

Head to Carpool Hill – ladder with Mericans at the bottom and Jump Squats at the top – Quadraphilia on the way up. 10-1, 9-2, 8-3, yada yada yada

Head to the wall – People’s Chair with Air Press, Balls to the Wall – repeato

Head back up the hill and grab your block – circle up.

Lawn Mowers 10 each arm OYO, Low Curls, High Curls, Full Curls, Lawn Mowers 10 each arm OYO, Chest Press – Put your cider friend away.

Mosey to the stairs at the front of the church – form 2 lines

Run up the stairs – 2 steps at a time – run down the hill – Repeato Repeato

Bunny hop the stairs – run down the hill – Repeato Repeato

Shoulder Touch Mericans to 15 led by Snake Eyes

Mosey up the stairs, down Stumptown Rd and gather up back at the school

Muhammad Ali’s on the curb x 20

Mosey to the Pull-up bars – find your partner

Partner 1 – 10 pull ups, Partner 2 LBCs, Flip Flop, Flap Jack – 2 sets each

Line up facing home – sprint to island 1, jog to island 2, sprint home


Low Flutters, WWII Sit-ups, Pretzel Crunch, W’s, Elbow Plank


          Great group – good mix of new faces and Jungle regulars

          Balmat à Hazmatà Toxicà  Who knew?  The connection to noxious emissions is just him trying to live up to his name. 

          Pretty sure I saw 5 of these same PAX at 9:00 mass this morning – with G Goat as a reader and a couple of F3 2.0 as altar servers.  I always consider the blessing of F3 when I’m at Mass – there have been many times that I have counted over a dozen PAX at a service.  It certainly helps to make a large church feel smaller.

          Thanks to Rocket for the opportunity to lead – and to his social secretary Blackbeard for nudging me to sign up to Q.   I hope you all got what you came for – I know I did.