Just a circle of jerks working out

Event Date

Feb 13, 2017

Macho Men need no frills, so here is just what we did and why we did. 5 men wore their rucks

Mosey from AO to parking lot. All excerices in cadence unless noted. 


Cotton Pickers x15



Mosey to the sand bags for a circle jerk. Circle up each men w/ a 25#sandbag one man does 30 mericans other 5 do 1 movement until circle is complete. After each round 30 squats in between.

curls for girls


overhead press



squats x30

straight arm raises


flutter press

audible squats b/c brushless. Get 2 tires out get into 3 groups of 2.

10 flights up and down 

while other groups do step ups and tire flips until they complete rotate through each station.

grab sand bags form a row. Sand bag squat thrust for distance across the field.

flutter pressx25


sand bag squat press back. Clean up Mosey to the speed bump. Walking lunge back the AO maybe 100 yards. Count off, name o Rama, pray go home..

great workout today- always awesome to lead the guys in Race City. Mumblechatter was great- mainly from the Q, but all in fun. Everyone pressed hard, and we will surely look better naked.