Just a Touch of Mumble-chatter

12 got after it this morning.  Some others, who did not post, said they went to a “real mans workout.”  I guess we just did our best and stayed quiet about it.


A few quick warm-ups and went to the fountain.

3 rounds of: decline ‘Mericans, step-ups and LBCs with a lap between sets of 20 each, 15 each, 10 each

We moseyed to our main ramp for a partner-free DORA: 50 ‘Mericans, lap, 100 squats, lap, 150 alternating LBCs, lap

People’s chair

Moseyed to our secondary ramp for a mini-partner-free DORA: 30 ‘Mericans, lap, 40 squats, lap, 50 LBCs, lap.

Moseyed back to launch for 15 BURPEES and a recover X 2.

The only intelligible and audible mumble-chatter was Gnarly Goat calling “BS” on the 1st set of squats.  It’s an honor to hear that- it doesn’t happen much any more.

Thanks for posting, guys.

A slightly belated Happy Birthday to Little Professor! (21 years young) 

