Just another inCOG in the Luda wheel


0528 the independent contractors who decide to cut the football field grass before operating hours in order to charge the county time-and-a-half exit the track

0529 Calypso parks remarkably close to the state vehicle because dammit he’s parking in his spot

0530 4 more inCOGS show up so out of respect we wait

0531 TBone tries to play the coffee card.  But in this particular layer of the multiverse, no one accepted it.  

0534 the plan happened and didn’t happen but still happened as planned

1/2 mile warm up (some did American laps some did Canadian laps)

Windmill and Cotton Picker



The skin of the mole:

  • To paraphrase the great pop-poet-philosopher, Gwen Stefani, “my yasso’s bring all the boys to the track.”   Really didn’t expect much of a crowd today when preblasting yassos (800s).  But we got 10 pax
  • Today was a true Luda day.  To quote the great Luda MQ Emeritus, BEP, “the plan gets what the plan wants.”  And at Luda the plan is always do what you can.  With that we had 10 pax grouped up executing a few variations of the plan.  But it was great because all rocked it.  It is what makes the AO special
  • The inCOGS struck again.  Around yasso #4, Chilly Willy, Tuffy and I came around and caught up with them.  To which their gentle chiding ended up inciting Chilly Willy to push our pace without realizing it. D’angit TBone
  • Good to see Drebin back out and recovering.  Luda is the spot for it.  And tclaps to Gambini for chaperoning him.
  • What I learned today: The radio in the truck is broken so it was a silent ride back home to the east side of HTV. I was thinking about Jolly Roger as it was the first time seeing him in a while. The odd thought that came to mind was how Jolly Roger feels like my little older brother. By that I mean he is younger than me, but he has always had an older brother quality. By that I mean he’s got a vibe of supportiveness and encouragement mixed in with that watch out or I’ll give you an atomic wedgie thing going on. In all he has led Isotope and is a great husband and father. So be a Jolly Roger and be a little big brother to someone.