Just Because It’s Wet…

Event Date

Feb 16, 2016


Six PAX posted for a surprisingly dry Viking this morning (minus the puddles we met along the way). It was gloomy, but there were PAX – this is how the events unfolded:


  • Mosey to first parking lot via: butt kickers, high knees and karaoke.
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • IST x 20 (IC)
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 (IC)
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 (IC)

The Thang:

  •  Mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock, and mosey to the parking lot (by the tennis courts)
    • Drop your rock in your very own parking space
  • Enter the tennis courts for a sideline suicide
    • Touch each sideline with CDDs at each (start with 2 CDD and add 2 at each line…culminating with 10 CDD at the final sideline).
  • Back to your very own parking space and grab your rock:
    • EVENS
    • Bent over rows x 10 (IC), Incline mercans x 10 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 8 (IC), Incline mercans x 8 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 6 (IC), Incline mercans x 6 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 4 (IC), Incline mercans x 4 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 2 (IC), Incline mercans x 2 (IC)
  • Mosey to the hill behind one of the baseball fields
    • Top of the hill = single leg lunges x 5 (OYO)
    • Bear crawl down
    • ¼ turn jump squats x 5 (OYO)
    • Quadraphelia back up
    • Repeato x 3 (adding 5 more reps each time…finishing with 20).
  • Back to your very own parking space and grab your rock:
    • ODDS
    • Bent over rows x 9 (IC), Incline mericans x 9 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 7 (IC), Incline mericans x 7 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 5 (IC), Incline mericans x 5 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 3 (IC), Incline mericans x 3 (IC)
    • Bent over rows x 1 (IC), Incline mericans x 1 (IC)
  • Return the rocks and mosey to the shelter
    • People’s chair for 60 seconds
    • Air presses x 20 (IC)
    • Ten count from Toxic


  • LBC x 20 (IC)
  • The W x 20 (IC)
  • Low flutter x 20 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly’s x 20 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge


  • Nice showing on a nasty sounding morning – in the end it wasn’t that bad.
  • Listening to Toxic and Hippie during People’s Chair…I’m still not sure whose shoes Toxic was wearing.
  • Carpet Bagger…way to power through while not feeling 100%; good work and feel better!
  • Toxic…I need you to finish the quote (title of the workout and stated during Mary) which you are responsible for; “just because it’s wet…”
  • Good work today, PAX; thanks for going along with me. A special thanks to Stromboli for the opportunity to lead these men today!