Just Can’t Get Warmed Up

Event Date

Dec 12, 2022

FNG-1 Is Bronco

FNG-2 Is Backdraft

FNG-3 Is High Country


20 SSH IC 

20 Monkey Humpers IC 

10 Toy Soldiers IC 

10 IST IC 

10 Merkins IC 

10 Burpees OYO

Warm-up mile run

The Thang:

Mosey to the pull-up bars 

AMRAP pull-ups 

1 minute of AL Gore’s/ Outdoor Squats

Repeato for a total of three sets

Mosey to the benches in front of the gym

Groups of 4 bench curls 10 IC 

1 minute wall sits 

10 step-ups each leg OYO

Repeato for a total of 2-1/3 sets 

Mosey a cool down mile 


10 Scissor crunches IC each leg 

10 Pretzel crunches IC each leg

10 Oblique crunches IC each leg 

20 Freddy Mercury’s IC each side 

20 Flutter kicks IC 

Recover, Recover


Hebrews 10:10 NLT 

For God’s will for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time. 

I think you can read this in two ways. Once saved always saved or( maybe also) There only has to be one savor and it was Jesus. The Savor has come. Reading over the verses that lead upto and after this verse I would say it is the later. We do not need to sacrifice animals any more, because Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice. 


The PAX showed up dressed in layers and were struggling to get warmed up so we did a little extra warm-up. 

Clark is still the king of Pull-ups and helped me remember that I haven’t done pull-ups in about a month. 

Clark was late

Besides that I don’t remember a whole lot of M/C 

Great job this weekend on the marathon you marathoners. 
