Just Closing the Loop

Event Date

Jul 14, 2021

FNG1 is Export

FNG2 is Trey Cox, initially named Fescue and now in need of a new name since it's take

9 men arose this morning who must not have checked the Q calendar with the July Burpee Challenge underway to soak in the humidity and get stronger.

Disclaimer given!


  • 35 SSH IC
  • 15 Hillbilly's IC
  • 15 Toy Soldier's IC
  • 15 Grandma Mater's IC
  • 15 Windmills IC
  • 15 Arm Circles IC

The Thang

Mosey to the Pull-Up Bars

  • 3 rounds of The Murph (5 pull-ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) OYO
  • 5 Burpees (to close the loop)

Mosey to the Block Pile, circle up at top of hill

  • 3 sets of each excercise 10-8-6 then 5 Burpees (to close the loop)
  • Curls/Squats
  • Skull Crushers/Monkey Humbers
  • Overhead Press/Alternating Lunges

Blocks Up, at the top of the hill 5 Burpees (to close the loop)

Mosey to the Pull-Up Bars

  • 2 rounds of The Murph
  • 5 Burpees (to close the loop)


  • 5 Burpees (to close the loop)(just because we got back to the launch pad)
  • 20 LBC's IC
  • 20 Pretzel Crunch IC (10 each side)
  • 20 Freddy Merc's IC
  • 5 Burpees (to close the loop)(because we were actually done)

Reflection:  Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who have been trained by it. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Prayer requests – Blue is taking a FINRA exam today, Zippy as well


  • Since 'Fescue' is taken, we'll have to rename Trey on Saturday – other suggestions included Bermuda, Carl, Model T, Ramsey (because he hated weeds, UNC & Fords)(and with a last name of Cox, this could have gone a lot of different ways)(and in some languages Trey means 3)(3 Cox)(Clark, this is your queue)
  • Export must be off the grid as he still needs to register after at least 3 months since his first post #storagecontainerlife
  • When asked how Trey learned of F3, he mentioned knowing Clark, Shake Weight, Thrift Shop and Iron Horse none of whom were present to which the entire group responded with admiration for Trey given knowing them and STILL posting
  • There were a lot of questions about what loop was being closed and who was opening loops in the first place, but all said and done we got 35 each for a total of 315
  • Crabby Patty is riding 60 on Saturday morning with Kaczynski – good luck gentlemen

Pleasure to lead these fine men.  Namaste, Bertha